Really have been away from the multiplayer since, well, just after BF4 was released so I have never actually got into it. I haven't played a Battlefield game properly online since Desert Combat, so it all feels very unfamiliar to me.
Tried TDM last night, but I only have like 1 assault rifle unlocked. Is it just a grind fest to unlock better weapons/attachments? Any advice on speeding the process up?
Lovely game though. Having come to it off the back of CoD:AW, it is completely different and for an older game feels far better.
It does not like my Netduma R1 though. If I enable the Geofilter it whinges and won't let me connect to any servers. Guess I am gonna have to manually program in the ports or something. Having said that the servers I played on were not bad at all. I only used quickplay with the noob filter though
I have been using a Benq 120/144hz monitor for about 14 months. I went off PC gaming completely back in December, and when I come back to a couple of weeks ago after playing PS4 games on a 40in TV my eyes don't work properly. I get headaches and the screen feels all wrong.
Looking back I had a bad time last year with headaches and have barely had a single one since December. I never put two and two together but I recently read about PWM in gaming monitors causing headaches. But apparently my monitor does not use PWM, so I dont know (BenQ XL2420T rev2.0). All I do know is that playing games on my PC for any length of time gives me a bad head, and tenses up my neck and shoulders. I guess it could be posture but I am using the same chair and desk that I used before I built the new PC.
Ah well, I guess I will just have to become addicted to headache tablets and play games anyway!