BuffetSlayer unlock the lmgs and then just use mg4robocop gun
Better still (for LMGs), play the single player campaign, unlock M249, use M249 until mg4 unlocked. The M249 and mg4 are very similar guns, you will not be at a significant disadvantage.
For assault use AK-12 until SCARH unlocked, after that you are away (stick with SCAR or move to others depending on your style).
For engineer, it's probably going to be MX4 PDW until you unlock the AK-5C carbine which is decent. Personal fave carbine is ACE-52 but people seem to like a wide range of carbines and it depends on your playstyle and engagement range.
Some weapons need class points to unlock (either very early or very late weapons normally). You won't find much opportunity to be a good engineer in TDM, you need conquest for that really.
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