installed this earlier.
fx6300 @ 4.1 (before recent overclock) - ( havnt tested on new clock yet )
7850 @ stock (overclocking later )
auto put it on 1024x768, with settings set to high. was playable.
i change it to 1280x720, left settings, was ok, fraps was moving up and down from 40 to 70.
up settings to ultra, just about playable.
put it on 1080 with everything on high. no chance ?
put it back to 720.. FPS just wouldnt move above 35...
put everything on LOW and back to 1024x768 and the FPS was hitting 25 max..
so i just quit lol
spent the last hour overclocking cpu and im going todo gpu next.
if it still dosnt manage to play 720 at least with good fps.. well.. i dont know what im going todo lol
do i get another 7850 ?, or do i sell mine (4 months old ) and getting a better single card?
was realy ****ed of at how it just destroyed my pc to bits and took the **** when i put everything on low.
i know there will be some tips and settings on what todo and what not todo in this thread.. but its had a lot of posts and trying to find them is near on impossible
so whats the latest tips that people have used so far ?
Performance is screwed on the 6300, at least before this patch - have you tried after it? The 7850 is going to be pushed too hard at ultra too. I'd go for a single 7950/7970 over 2x7850s.