Something weird is going on. I just tested 1080p Ultra and it was smooth as silk. Put it up to 1440p same settings, cpu spike central. My fps were still above 60 so im not sure whats happening to cause all these spikes and stutters. After quitting the game i noticed my page file was 10GB!!! It would seem to be telling me that only have 8gb is causing a hell of a lot of page file usage. Good thing i have another 8gb of ram coming soon. Its funny because H mentioned something about this.
Moving on to our official review system with the the GeForce 770 GTX, during game play, we observed an average load across all CPU cores in the 90-95% range during each of the testing scenarios. However, with the R9 280X, we were observing CPU usage around 80-85%. Initially we began testing with just 8GB of system memory in the review system. After a significant amount of gameplay, we were noticing that 8GB of memory may not provide enough space for the game. We were experiencing memory being swapped out to the hard drive in virtual memory, meaning we were exceeding 8GB of RAM and this was affecting our smoothness and performance.
We upgraded our test platform to have 16GB of system memory, which is the level that we performed all of our graphed testing at here today. Subjectively, there did feel like there was a difference in the overall gameplay experience by utilizing a larger amount of memory, especially with the GTX 770. More testing into memory utilization needs to be done. The game seems to consume more memory the longer you play. In our testing scenario, we got a maximum of 6.5GB of system RAM utilized just doing our short run-throughs on the previous page. However, it is after several hours of gaming, that the RAM will be pegged through the roof, and in the case of 8GB of system RAM, it just wasn't enough for long sessions of gameplay.