The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

CHIKARA is the best family orientated wrestling out there at the mo, just recently crowned their grand champion, and it maybe only DVD but also they do iPPV's at GoFightLive. Also just had a 3 day Joshi women's event, highlighting that ladies wrestling isn't all boob jobs and booty shorts.

Ever seen a referee tope atomico (swantom bomb) 4 guys from the top rope to floor? If not I suggest you watch CHIKARA.
So Kane's back....discuss...

Personally I thought the return was pretty well done, oh and for those of you wondering who the vignette's are for with the school kids talking about control

It's Jericho

Hopefully we may see an Inferno match between Kane and Cena at some point, although I highly doubt it, given the fact of WWE's PG rating lol

EDIT: Can we change the thread title to just "The Big Wrestling Thread" I want to talk about TNA too lol

Found this on youtube, 'NewBreed93' seems to make highlight videos of all the Chikara events. Some great wrestling! They deserve bigger crowds!
Looking forward to TLC, for the past two years I've given this ppv a miss but this years card looks pretty good. Wont be happy if Punk drops the title though...

Found this on youtube, 'NewBreed93' seems to make highlight videos of all the Chikara events. Some great wrestling! They deserve bigger crowds!

Damn straight. El Generico doesn't do that much Chikara work, but he is a fantastic worker, easily one of the best. And UltraMantis is one of my favourites of theirs, he has such a distinctive voice and is a great wrestler too. High Noon was actually their largest attendance ever, with 864 in the arena and over 1,000 streaming the iPPV, which was a new record (Ring of Honor previously had the most with 972). Great news for them that they are breaking their records, but as you say it should be so much more :(
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Amazing Red is one of the best wrestlers in the world today and yet, he's totally under used, same with Daniel Bryan (or Bryan Danielson) I've never send Bryan before his WWE days but he's yet to thrill me the way Jeff Hardy does.

WWE is just going down and down, look at the way they treated Loki/Kaval
I think Amazing Red has a school based in New York, might be focussing on that, and there is a documentary about him due out soon, LOKI mentioned it on his FB page
Solid ppv last night, CM Punk's match once again stole the show :cool:

Was surprised that Henry dropped the belt, should have known at the time something was else about to happen though. Poor Big Show :p
Is there anywhere I can watch this legally online?

I assumed as it wasn't a PPV over here, there must be somewhere online. It's not on Sky anytime yet :(
Goes to show how low the standard is then. Apart from Ziggler Ryder I thought the matches were average. Money in the Bank easily the highlight of the year
Yeah, that's why he's been losing so much recently, injured his leg. Its a shame, and I can see Bryan getting squashed pretty soon :(

Me too, I don't see him carrying the belt and defending it at Wrestlemania. :(


All of the WWE title holders going into 2012.
Ugh, those tag titles still look terrible. Also, Cody's removed his mask? When did that happen? And is he still cutting his supervillain promos?

As for titles at Wrestlemania, Cena has already said he's going to be facing Rock at WM for the title, and I'd assume they will follow this through as the idea of Cena Vs Rock for the title will be too appealing to them, even if it does telegraph who's going to win. But if they do indeed do that then it forces the Royal Rumble winner to be from Smackdown, since he will have to challenge for the WHC instead, and I can't see them giving that shot to someone on Raw, at least not if they are going to win.
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