The Big WWE Wrestling Thread

They're literally a bronze copy of the IWGP tag title belts from NJPW.

Good to see majority of the gold holders are indy alumni.

Really? I've not really followed NJPW or TNA, but after a quick google I couldn't find anything as bad as this:
They need to bring back the Hardcore and European titles, I like the old WCW World Title, that is now modified into the World Championship (I think) Why haven't they got diva tag titles and WWE and World Tag titles too? WWE's tag division is terrible at the moment, I mean....the Usos? really? Whatever happened to the good old days of the Hardyz, E&C and the Dudleys, I mean, even the Bros of Destruction were good
They need to bring back the Hardcore and European titles, I like the old WCW World Title, that is now modified into the World Championship (I think) Why haven't they got diva tag titles and WWE and World Tag titles too? WWE's tag division is terrible at the moment, I mean....the Usos? really? Whatever happened to the good old days of the Hardyz, E&C and the Dudleys, I mean, even the Bros of Destruction were good

I agree to a point as to bring back the hardcore title now they would have to water it down due to PG which would make it pointless. What they need is the TV or Cruiserweight Championship for wwe superstars show so that wrestlers who don't get attention now like drew Drew Mctyre, Tyler Reks, Tyson Kidd, Curt Hawkins and other. They need a stronger diva division diva tag titles to work.
Who remembers Austin & Big Nose's (HHH) tag team? Powers of destruction or something?

But yeah I hope Daniel Bryan holds the belt for a while to prove (like Eddie Guerrerro or Chris Jericho) middle weight guys can hold the belt with valour just as well as the heavyweights, the 230lbs and upwards dudes
I agree to a point as to bring back the hardcore title now they would have to water it down due to PG which would make it pointless. What they need is the TV or Cruiserweight Championship for wwe superstars show so that wrestlers who don't get attention now like drew Drew Mctyre, Tyler Reks, Tyson Kidd, Curt Hawkins and other. They need a stronger diva division diva tag titles to work.

Create the WWE Superstars belt? :D

As for the hardcore belt, as mentioned above it just won't really work in the PG era. Heck, Hell in a Cell doesn't really work well. I'm not a fan of blading, but equally there's situations and matches where it is needed.
That said, if they brought back the 24/7 rule I'd be down with it :D

Sounds to me like they're selling the bump he took in the no holds barred match tbh. Royal Rumble is in his home town so cue his triumphant return at the ppv winning the Rumble match and onto Wrestlemania have said Orton will be out for a few weeks, ties in perfectly with the Rumble that :cool:

Only a few more days before Jericho's return as well ;)
I'm calling it right now it's Jericho who Laurinaitis has be seen texting over recent weeks
Too early for Daniel Bryan as far as I'm concerned. And making it be such a fluke win with the Money in the Bank doesn't do anything to solidify is presence with fans.

Punk really is the only good thing going for WWE right now.
To be fair the way Bryan won the belt proves his thinking man's technical wrestler gimmick, but there could have been 90 other better ways to have him cash it in, my money is on him losing it to Lesnar at WM in a big man vs lil man tech fest.
Lesnar? Never going to happen.

Bryan wont hold the belt till Mania either IMO, he'll either drop it at the Rumble or during the Elimination Chamber event
Jericho will definitely be back for the Rumble,

Daniel Bryan really doesn't have the look of a champion, maybe if he bulked up a bit and got a tan, in fact, screw that, just give the title to Brutus Clay lol
Jericho trolled the fans brilliantly last night :D

I marked so hard for his return. Then got angry that he wasn't talking yet. Then it dawned on me what he was doing.

It was perfect. He obviously wants to be a heel, and to be fair that's where he seems to be better, being able to rip on the fans. But he's been gone for so long, the fans really do love him, and to date there has not been a good heel return to the WWE. Its just been impossible. I mean, listen to the pop he got, and how long he was able to milk it for! Heck, it didn't even have anything to do with the promos that had been airing! Its just perfect!

That jacket was fabulous too.


edit: Oh god, I just saw the last part of raw. WTF?
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Yeah end of Raw sucked, why end Raw with the Cena/Kane thing no one cares about when you've got a wwe title match that could have closed the show or Y2J's return :o
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