The "bracket system", or "bracketing system" (as named by myself).

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Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Although I see his line of thought, I think that his system is counter-productive due to his tendency to grade the importance of the information too finely. One level of brackets, with two levels of brackets used occasionally, would help, but he routinely uses more.

I can see his point and I can read his posts, but I think that they hinder communication rather than help it.

I don't see why some people find them so infuriating, though.



23 Aug 2003
Angus-Higgins evidently has a mental problem, probably Aspergers, which prevents him being able to understand normal speach correctly and explains his aversion to looking into peoples eyes (because he cannot read them at all). This also prevents him being able to get close to other people, which is why he has few friends.

Now instead of seeking the correct medical help he has changed the way he posts in order to convey all of the subtext that everyone else takes for granted. Possibly in the hope that either people will respond in kind, so making life easier for him, or in order to draw attention to himself because he knows he needs help but doesn't know how to ask.
30 Sep 2004
The bracket system or bracketing system as named by yourself. The way you say that everytime when your referring to it that bugs me.

If you're trying to make it easier for the reader than how about "My Bracketing System".

But I usally ignore your posts if they have any length to them as they're a bit annoying to read and i'm not normally fussed on most peoples forum posting habits.



18 Oct 2002
Angus-Higgins evidently has a mental problem, probably Aspergers, which prevents him being able to understand normal speach correctly and explains his aversion to looking into peoples eyes (because he cannot read them at all). This also prevents him being able to get close to other people, which is why he has few friends.

Now instead of seeking the correct medical help he has changed the way he posts in order to convey all of the subtext that everyone else takes for granted. Possibly in the hope that either people will respond in kind, so making life easier for him, or in order to draw attention to himself because he knows he needs help but doesn't know how to ask.

How does that explain his use of very ordinary, plain English on his website?
1 Sep 2007
Angus-Higgins evidently has a mental problem, probably Aspergers, which prevents him being able to understand normal speach correctly and explains his aversion to looking into peoples eyes (because he cannot read them at all). This also prevents him being able to get close to other people, which is why he has few friends.

Now instead of seeking the correct medical help he has changed the way he posts in order to convey all of the subtext that everyone else takes for granted. Possibly in the hope that either people will respond in kind, so making life easier for him, or in order to draw attention to himself because he knows he needs help but doesn't know how to ask.

So hes not a dead zombie robot?
28 Mar 2005
Drunken badger punching
Angus-Higgins evidently has a mental problem, probably Aspergers, which prevents him being able to understand normal speach correctly and explains his aversion to looking into peoples eyes (because he cannot read them at all). This also prevents him being able to get close to other people, which is why he has few friends.

Now instead of seeking the correct medical help he has changed the way he posts in order to convey all of the subtext that everyone else takes for granted. Possibly in the hope that either people will respond in kind, so making life easier for him, or in order to draw attention to himself because he knows he needs help but doesn't know how to ask.

This is what I was thinking/getting at. If this is the case, then we really should leave him be (as there's nothing we can really do from our keyboards), and carry on as normal.
29 Oct 2004
Ok, I haven't read most of the replies in the thread as I don't have time, so sorry if someone has already suggested this.

I tried reading through the OP ignoring the brackets (as best I could) and found the text to be concise and easy to understand. Taking the brackets in to account and it takes much longer to read as, for me at least, it's natural to pause at brackets.

The original post without brackets:

The “bracket system”, or “bracketing system”

One of the major hindrances of communication is the ambiguity of the content.

I have developed a system which can help to combat this.

I have found that there can be many problems if one does not include detail in communication. If one does not have detail in a communication, it is then possible for a piece of text to be misunderstood.

The problem one has to solve is developing a humanly readable way to contain detail. This already exists. I have found that this is a rather inefficient method to communicate. Some information is vitally important to the reader, and other information is not as important to the reader.

One can group data in order to judge how important it is to the reader. Groups are useful in this sense as one can easily handle a large text, and format accordingly.

It is a good idea to use some form of separator which does not imply a specific reading method.

The use of “brackets” is the best method. It encapsulates the text in a manner which does not imply a specific method of reading.

The choice of “brackets” has been made such that efficiency is increased in the writer. Text which is important to the reader is placed as normal text would be. Text which is the next most important will be placed in the “()” “brackets”. This choice was made as people tend to use these “brackets” in normal text, and due to the greater probability of the second importance-level of text being used, than the third, it seems logical to use these “brackets”.

Text which can be placed into the third group of importance are placed into the “[]” “brackets”. This is because if one compares it to the “{}” “brackets”, one can see that when one types these, it is a much easier task. This means that they are used for the third group of text, because it has a greater probability of occurring that the fourth group.

The idea behind the “bracket system”, or “bracketing system” is not necessarily for every reader to read all of the text. If one has a lot of time, one should read all the text. If one does not have the time in which to read the whole text, one should simply read the up to the necessary level of “brackets”.

A person who has not the time to read the text entirely, should not comment upon it.

This can solve the problem of arguments occurring due to misunderstanding of text. If a person has access to the extra detail, this person does not have to ask for it, or assume the writer did not include it through ignorance, which would cause an argument.

The “brackets” could be treated like commas. It is not useful for the writer to replace the “brackets” with commas though, as this negates the possible increase in efficiency for the reader.

Angus Higgins

Maybe it could do with one or two sets of brackets in there, but it's perfectly understandable without them!

Angus; perhaps you could try not using the bracket system on here for a week or so, then evaluating how many times someone misunderstands you?
12 Mar 2006
N.E England
Enough is enough..

Trolling is against the rules as stated in the FAQ, yet It's one of the "crimes" that goes on here unnoticed. Instead more petty "crimes" such as oversized signatures are heavily monitored which hardly cause any problems for the vast majority, yet trolling, which affects everyone is simply swept under the carpet. Pff.




23 Aug 2003
How does that explain his use of very ordinary, plain English on his website?

I assume he wants to use his website as a stepping stone in his career, which is why he posts his software and hardware projects on it (in the hope somebody reads it and hires him).

He wouldn't get any offers of work if his website was written in the same atrocious way as his posts.
11 Nov 2006
I assume he wants to use his website as a stepping stone in his career, which is why he posts his software and hardware projects on it (in the hope somebody reads it and hires him).

He wouldn't get any offers of work if his website was written in the same atrocious way as his posts.

I have explained it before. (I do not want to work in the Software, or Hardware industries).

Angus Higgins
1 Aug 2006
Ok, I haven't read most of the replies in the thread as I don't have time, so sorry if someone has already suggested this.

I tried reading through the OP ignoring the brackets (as best I could) and found the text to be concise and easy to understand. Taking the brackets in to account and it takes much longer to read as, for me at least, it's natural to pause at brackets.

Maybe it could do with one or two sets of brackets in there, but it's perfectly understandable without them!

Angus; perhaps you could try not using the bracket system on here for a week or so, then evaluating how many times someone misunderstands you?

Insightful :)

The problem with the brackets is that it completely goes against the way we as humans actually read text. If you include extra unimportant details in the text we'll skip over it ourselves (subconciously), without having to decipher the brackets.
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18 Oct 2002
I assume he wants to use his website as a stepping stone in his career, which is why he posts his software and hardware projects on it (in the hope somebody reads it and hires him).

He wouldn't get any offers of work if his website was written in the same atrocious way as his posts.

Exactly, so the suggestion that he has no understanding of normal speech is wrong. If he can write a website concisely and "normally" then linking his posting style here to Aspergers is tenuous at the least.
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