Thor: Still a white male, name passed to new wielder of Mjolnir - October 2014
Cap: still a white male, passed on to another white male, passed back to the first white male, passed on to a black male (August 2014), still used by the original white male
Iron Man: Tony Stark is still a white male, Riri Williams is a black female
Wolverine: Wolverine is a dead white male, his clone daughter is a white female - November 2015.
It's not like it happened overnight, or you've cared enough to post about it during the last 2 years
I'm having a hard time keeping a straight face imagining that white males are under-represented in Marvel comics
Isn't Thor on it's 6th or 7th run? I don't think it's ever been a real smash without tying into films. Original Thor still exists by the way, he just can't wield Mjolnir because (Marvel does terrible crossovers) reasons.
I'm confused with your objection - isn't the new guy Sam Wilson, who was a new black male hero who was trained by Cap and so on? Did you have the same concerns when Bucky took over? The fact that OG Cap's new comic is called Steve Rogers: Captain America seems to make it tough to get upset about this one?
Iron Man - not stupid, because an old man bankrolling a teen into becoming a hero can be awesome - see Batman Beyond. Tony still exists and still makes suits. He's just got someone else to fly them (see War Machine, Pepper Potts, Iron Legion, etc)
Wolverine is dead again - I believe that's now so many times that they had to make up new numbers. X-23 has took over - she's a clone of Wolverine and has been around since 2004. There's no point caring anyway, unless Marvel gets some deal in place with Fox, they are going to kill off all the X-Men titles anyway (see Fantastic Four)
So, 1 new character, 3 out of 4 have direct ties to the original character, 3 out of 4 original characters still exist, no actual changes to race/gender.
Depends why you didn't like New 52 Batman? Rebirth is excellent so far, but we've not even seen all the first issues yet.
Just my opinion dude, no need to go all SJW on me! *Joke*
Good points however my Main objection is to lack of creativity rather than the Heroes them selves being re-gendered/raced, as I said I am all for different gender/race heroes but the fact they feel the need to change existing ones rather than create new ones just proves they have no faith in what they are doing as they can go back to the original heroes if sales go to pot because of the change.
Come on Marvel, Grow some balls and start a whole new Hero (Black/Woman/Transgender/whatever) from scratch in their own comic.
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