The Countdown Has Begun...... Fallout 3

OK, VATS isn't compulsory, but without replacing it, FO:NV is just another shooter.

Fallout was always supposed to be an RPG, not a damn shooter. So I was hoping the the New Vegas team would make it less a shooter and more an RPG. These are some of the guys who made FO2, after all.

What the hell people. Are we in the era where everything has to be Halo/COD or you just won't play it?

Arse. It's all arse.

They ruined fo3 when they decided that you couldn't talk your way though the whole game :(
In F3 you take the role of the vault dweller and play through a story whilst leveling up and getting new and better equipment

So I guess that makes GTA:San Andreas an RPG? You play the role of a gangsta home boy, you have stats, and you have equipment that gets better through the course of the game?*

Also I lol'd at your "if I have to read lots of text I get bored easily" line. That's exactly why games are all becoming shooters and other types of fast-paced brain-dead tripe with little/no storytelling.

*FO3 doesn't offer enough in the way of character development & diversification to be called an RPG. There is only one way for your character to progress in the game: shooting things with guns. And even then you can't really explore the difference between a sniper character and a gunner, because the game doesn't force you to specialise either way. Any character can pick up and use just about any gun, with good success. Some guy also proved that your stats are largely inconsequential in the game. You can have no gun skills at all and low perception and still be fine in combat.

Also the stats for talking have no bearing on any conversation, bar adding a couple of really inane lines like "oh, you're a scientist!" if you pass your knowledge check when talking to a scientist :p

The rest of the skills - non combat talents - have zero impact on the game at all, beyond being able to open the odd locker room for a bit of extra ammo.

I'm sorry, but to call FO3 an RPG is insulting even to bad RPGs.
It's not rose tinted glasses. The games we had through the 90s/early 00s were simply better.

No they weren't.

See I can make stupid opinionated statements to, just because YOU didn't like FO3 doesn't make it bad, neither does the fact it doesn't pass your check list make it anything but what it is, an RPG, yes it may be an FPS RPG, but it still an RPG.

Honestly I think your just one of many nostalgia junkies on here who gets off on insulting new games because they are popular or a continuation of an older series, as above, get over it.
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just because YOU didn't like FO3 doesn't make it bad, neither does the fact it doesn't pass your check list make it anything but what it is, an RPG, yes it may be an FPS RPG, but it still an RPG.

Honestly I think your just one of many nostalgia junkies on here who gets off on insulting new games because they are popular or a continuation of an older series, as above, get over it.

If a game doesn't have multiple roles then either it's not an RPG, or it is and the term RPG applies to everything.

Is that nostalgia or just plain logic?

What roles can you play in FO3?
Thought it was worth a bump; you can now get the GOTY edition for just £9.95 from Zavvi. I believe it's OK for me to mention them now as they're not competitors, but if it's not OK let me know/edit my post mods!

Brilliant price for probably the best game of the last 5 years (in my humble opinion!).
I would have to agree with FoxEye... the roles you can play in FO3 are very limited and basically revolve around things dieing in different ways.
Ok there is variety in that, you can kill it with a Shishkebab (because every other melee weapon isn't worth a damn, lets be honest, if you really want to mess around with hand-hand you can use a Power Fist).
Then you've got a Sharpshooter using rifles who will more often than not blow everythings head off (<3 VATS for that, never gets old).
The Heavy Gunner which is so gimped its ridiculous.
Every character will most likely have max stealth by lvl20, characters specifically aiming NOT to have Sneak will still struggle to keep it low by lvl30.
Playing the game with lower than 10 Intelligence is dumb by the very nature the game works.
Charisma is utterly useless as per usual.

Its a good game but the number of roles available is so limited that you eventually turn into a master of all trades by lvl30. Hell its even possible now to get 10 in all stats at lvl30.
Thought it was worth a bump; you can now get the GOTY edition for just £9.95 from Zavvi. I believe it's OK for me to mention them now as they're not competitors, but if it's not OK let me know/edit my post mods!

Brilliant price for probably the best game of the last 5 years (in my humble opinion!).

Thanks for that been waiting for it to go cheap so I didn't have to buy all the add-ons :D
I bought the GOTY in a Steam sale a while back. Did not really follow the instructions as such and had no idea what V.A.T.S was as I was just running around treating it like an FPS shooter.

As you can imagine, I got incedibly frustrated after a few hours.

Anyway, I thought I had better give it another go last night so set the game up properly, took note of what wasd going on around me and started using V.A.T.S.

Thoroughly enjoyable three hours of gaming last night. Totally missed the proper story first time round, did not even find Megaton the first time round lol.

It has a new lease of life! :D
Fallout 3

Anyone else play/played this? I just got it from Steam a couple of days ago. Really enjoying it so far.

I put my S.P.E.C.I.A.L points into endurance, charisma, intelligence and luck, 9 each. And the last few points in strength. Used the intense training perk to get a few more strength since then.

Have got the main story to the point where I need to go to Galaxy News Radio to look for dad. Before doing that though I've been doing the wasteland survival guide. Nearly finished with that. Anyone got any recommendations about what to do next? :D
Install mods, you need mods.

I did my first play through modded out using a guide on youtube by Gopher, very easy to follow and must say was Top 5 best games i have ever played.
There should be a couple of big threads on here somewhere. It's a very popular game. There are some amazing mods to try out, many add content to the game and improve various aspects of it. Perhaps, get used to the game before delving into that side of things, though.

As for what to do next, just potter about and you'll find things to do and people to shoot. :)
I never actually got this game working. I must have been through half a dozen graphics cards (of both NVidia and ATI flavour) and a couple of full rebuilds since last posting about it, as well as moving to Windows 7.

Although the crashes did move, I can now get past the birth scene but when I go outside the vault for the first time, it just stops responding.

Shame really.
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