The Countdown Has Begun...... Fallout 3

Well having enjoyed the main game so much I decided to get the expansions, I've completed the Operation Anchorage and Broken Steel campaigns and reached level 24 (started on 18). The end of BS was pretty good actually, finally some tough combat against multiple nasty baddies and a chance to use some of my stockpiled ammo (the metro fight against ferral soul reavers in particular was hard due to the sheer volume of hits they were taking, I must have chewed through at least 1000 EC , 1000 5mm ammo etc). Airforce base was pretty cool too when you've got maybe 5 enclave elites going after you at once, I must have pumped through around 60-80 stimpacks I guess together with contracting addictions to med-x, psycho and jet! :)

Operation Anchorage seemed a bit weak, very short and easy with the constant ammo/health refills placed around the levels. Also a bit simplistic due to the limited inventory and interaction with your environment, it's almost as though they wanted to create a fair standard set of FPS missions.

Found a bit of a stupid bug though, on the wasteland survival guide I was up to the minelurk thing where you have to place an "observer" item in their lair. But instead I persuaded the woman to give up on her project which completed the quest. However because the "observer" item is a 'quest item', I'm not allowed to discard or sell it! So I've got it sat there clogging up space in my inventory.

Currently coming up to 43hrs gametime and a bit limited on quest choices now, all I've got is "chasing independence" (which I think I kinda mucked up at the start because Sydney got killed, and it just says "defend the rotunda" but greyed out) and the Pitt which I'm going to tackle next. Then I'll need to explore some of the many locations revealed by the Explorer perk to try and track down some more side missions.
Good work there Hangtime. I only did Broken Steel as an expansion but still clocked 80+ hours.

Good fun game, waiting for New Vegas now - not interested in the other expansions for some reason.
You will have to forgive me if this has come up, but this thread is massive, if I buy this off steam can I get the DLC from them or some somewhere atleast?
Here's a random one

I've got some saves from a game I was playing at christmas time and I got quite far, but I've only just realised that if I'd signed into live I would be getting achievements to my gamerscore.

Is there anyway to add these to my live account? or will I have to play again from the start?

Up to around 79hrs gametime now, starting to run out of steam a little bit though as Quests are very thin on the ground, I'm mostly just exploring unvisited locations now and picking up the occasional little mini sidemission. With no experience to be gained after L30 the game has actually done quite well to hold my attention, the vast majority of games I put down after beating the main storyline.

Nuka-Cola Quantum finding has proven a real bitch, I need 30 for Sierra but unfortunately I didn't get that mission until I'd already found and sold at least a dozen of them.

I think getting a companion gave it a new lease of life for a bit though, Fawkes teamed up with me, albeit after I'd finished the main game and first 4 DLC! He seems virtually invincible and it's a big held being able to use him as a camel to store extra loot on, something I could have benefited from greatly earlier in the game.

I've upped the difficulty to Hard (something I probably should have done a while back) to try and make it more of a challenge, I can't remember the last time I actually got killed and I've got plenty of gear saved up for a rainy day (approx 700 stimpacks and around 50-150 of each of the drugs, ~30k rounds of 'normal' ammo plus 25 mininukes and 150 missiles or so). What I'd really like is some rock hard fight, you know, real baddasses where I'll take some Psycho, let of 10 mini nukes, 50 rockets and 2000 MF cells, and the ****er will still keep on coming at me.
Bought Fallout 3 on 23rd and have a few of the side missions left of the main game plus the last main quest. I got the GOTY edition so have the add ons to play through.

My biggest problem has been the lack of caps. Only now have I got over 2000 caps. Ammo is still in short supply and the condition of most of my weapons is poor because I haven't had the money to repair them. I've mainly used the Shishkebab and some weapons I've hardly used just because the ammo for them is low hard to come by.

I do like the game but the first 10 hours or so were a slog. I don't mind low ammo and health to make you think about a game rather than just bowl in and shoot everything but FO3 did seem (and still does) take this to extremes.

I too realised I was close to the end of the main quests so decided to wander about doing the side quests which didn't really seem too fullfilling and most of them seemed to lose me Karma anyway.

I'm now fighting through Fort Constantine but took a break because I'm low on health and ammo and my guns are mostly knackered.

Oh, and FO3 has been quite buggy for me. Random crashes, crashes at startup, baddies floating in the air, guns held upside down, broken robots that need repairing not there and graphical glitches.

Other than that, not a bad game :)
After many months of procrastination I've finally got round to playing The Witcher, which I've just got into after about 4 hours of trying. Fallout 3 is my next target but in spite of all my reading I'm still undecided if I'm going to fall into the same trap I did when I bought Morrowind thinking I'd love it (I didn't) and then Oblivion thinking I'd love it (I didn't). Still it's not too expensive so I'll probably take the plunge.

Apologies for not reading back over the previous pages, but what's this 'DLC'? Is it an official expansion pack or something?

Is The Witcher any good then? I can get it for £14.99 i've been tempted to buy it.

I bought Fallout3 when it first came out. Played it for a couple of days but life sidetracked me away from it. Since i've bought a lot of games like DragonAge etc which are very good games but i'm seriously thinking about pulling the DVD out for this and have a go again. I need to do the same for Bioshock aswell before Bioshock 2 comes out lol
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Iirc it's meant to be a new game using a tweaked up engine. Then again it's been a long time since I last played/read about F3 so things may have changed. It'd be silly to release DLC now so long after the game has released - Broken Steel was the only good DLC item.
Yes, it's definitely in need of a new engine. The numerous bugs and glitches were the only thing stopping it being probably the best game of all time imo.

I'm just imagining FO3 with awesome next gen graphics. It's good. Can't wait for this.
It's a new game alright but not using a new engine. Obsidian are developing it based on the resources developed by Bethesda so it will probably have near enough the same feel as Fallout 3 did. However, Obsidian have on their payroll a few employees who worked on the original games or so I'm told.
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