***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Another console fps pc port for which the current 'next-lolgen' consoles are useless for fps shocker.

The videos for the single and multiplayer were pretty meh.

No surprise that it appears to be meh.

Move on.

BF3 will save the day. Hmmmm ...
Everything is working fine for me, played a few games so far and gamplay seems ok... well a lot better than COD. Only played around 6 games and im lvl 7 already pity i have the flu atm and can't play for long :( .
How did you reg! Whats your secret :( I thought maybe firewall but, not that. Think their servers are just metled.
How did you reg! Whats your secret :( I thought maybe firewall but, not that. Think their servers are just metled.

I already had a mycrysis account but i figured I wanted a change of name as I have been using it in the first crysis and war's for over 4 years :( So i just made a new account at 1am last night but could'nt be botherd playing.
Sorry to say but it seems a bit crap, just seems to loads of spray and pray with the usual "bounce around the enemy like a spastic" tactic that should have died a death a long time ago.

I hate that. I wish developers would make games so that you cannot jump around repeatedly, like a delay or something, shouldn't be that hard. It always looks ridiculous.
I do wonder whether these people dress up in bunny suits eating a carrot when playing FPS'.
Christ, here we go...

'Cannot install to the selected directory, because it may cause the system to become unstable'.

Why does EA do this? I want to install the game wherever I please but apparently it'll cause my system to become 'unstable'. Wonder why no other games do this.

Gamespy and now this? No thanks EA. Ocuk to the rescue once again.
I downloaded this in my sleep, should I even bother installing when I get home?

After the BETA leak I wasn't left with a very nice taste in my mouth.
doh was really looking forward to playing this when I get home from work. Might just go out for a run or something :eek:
Crysis 2 is a bad game, linear and not fun to play and not much better to look at, would much prefer to play crysis a true PC title.

* I can't create an account.
* Gamespy? Really?
* "Press Start to begin"? Could they not have taken five seconds to make a rudimentary attempt at disguising the fact that this is another awful console knock-off?

Such a shame.
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