***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

The demo is _amazing_. It looks far far better than the original Crysis and somehow still runs at 60fps for the majority of the time!

It's even got all the tech like motion blur and global illumination and so on... the demo has completely blown away my expectations. The graphics are gorgeous and it has got to be using black magic or something because it runs silky smooth! It's easily the best looking game I've ever seen and that's just on gamer setting. On my ancient core 2 duo running at just 2.2ghz with a 4870 at stock settings it's still a dream. I am absolutely amazed at how well the game runs and looks.

My pre-order is staying firmly in place. :)

Crysis 2 is a bad game, linear and not fun to play and not much better to look at, would much prefer to play crysis a true PC title.

You should be banned, for implicitly implying that you have the leaked beta. 'True PC title' my arse, this demo is still way better than 99% of PC games.
The demo is _amazing_. It looks far far better than the original Crysis and somehow still runs at 60fps for the majority of the time!

It's even got all the tech like motion blur and global illumination and so on... the demo has completely blown away my expectations. The graphics are gorgeous and it has got to be using black magic or something because it runs silky smooth! It's easily the best looking game I've ever seen and that's just on gamer setting. On my ancient core 2 duo running at just 2.2ghz with a 4870 at stock settings it's still a dream. I am absolutely amazed at how well the game runs and looks.

My pre-order is staying firmly in place. :)

You should be banned, for implicitly implying that you have the leaked beta. 'True PC title' my arse, this demo is still way better than 99% of PC games.

+1 to this, its running really well on my system and it looks absolutely stonking at 1080P, how is this happening? it looks better than the original ever did and its running at twice the speed?! feels MUCH better on the PC, the frame-rate must be tons higher than the consoles!
lol its mw2 with crysis suit on.

was going to buy this not no more :(

the graphics are poor look very console the textures what textures . its blatently just a console game. thing is it isnt even well implemented.

the field of view omg your gun it like as big as your screen. you just know the people testing these games are pure crysis fan boys cause no fps hc fan would give thumbs up to this.

its all very clunky and not free flowing at all bad design all round.
You should be banned, for implicitly implying that you have the leaked beta. 'True PC title' my arse, this demo is still way better than 99% of PC games.

The demo is _amazing_. It looks far far better than the original Crysis and somehow still runs at 60fps for the majority of the time!

You should be banned for shoveling bull. Looks far far better heh, I doubt you have actually even played it coming out with nonsense like that, here take another look.
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Managed to create an account at last, now getting disconnected from the accounts server after a few minutes in-game. Anyone else having this issue?
I managed to make an account, loging in and all, but it cant ping any servers so i cant connect to them, maybe i need to portforward?
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Yup getting random disconnects. Other than that it looks awesome and play is different and I enjoyed it thats the main thing.
The only thing thats bugging me is the lag in chat, no customising graphics settings. And the totally ridiculous FOV and the size of the gun.

Runs perfect at 1680x1050 on hardcore on gtx260 sli with i7 im very impressed looks awesome aswell.
Its amazing how dumb the suit is in this demo. You literally can't do **** without it affecting suit power. You run and your energy drains, you jump and it drains, you seem to get maybe 4 seconds of running then you're waddling around like a geriatric trying desperately to hold in a massive dump.

Why does everything affect suit energy? Makes no sense, in the original crysis you only ran fast if you had on speed mode and only jumped high if you had on strength mode, now it seems that speed mode is the equivilant of the regular running in the original game, yet for some reason this still drains power. So Nanosuit 2 apparently for all its supposed "upgrades" actually makes you run slower and enjoys draining power left right and centre...

Its amazing how dumb the suit is in this demo. You literally can't do **** without it affecting suit power. You run and your energy drains, you jump and it drains, you seem to get maybe 4 seconds of running then you're waddling around like a geriatric trying desperately to hold in a massive dump.

Why does everything affect suit energy? Makes no sense, in the original crysis you only ran fast if you had on speed mode and only jumped high if you had on strength mode, now it seems that speed mode is the equivilant of the regular running in the original game, yet for some reason this still drains power. So Nanosuit 2 apparently for all its supposed "upgrades" actually makes you run slower and enjoys draining power left right and centre...


Im hopeing ots ONLY like this on MP to make it balanced.

if its like this on single player i will be avoiding the game
People just don't stop complaining do they? After all its only a demo and it states on the first page that everything will not be the same in the final release... Meaning things can change! It's to give the devs a chance to see what they have done wrong and hopfully for our sakes they do. You complained when crysis came out and it was too resource hungery and now you are complaining that it doesn't look good enough ? what the hell really comon... maby this is the reason PC developers are turning to consoles because they don't whine and moan about everything :(. I personaly hate consoles by the way...

It's a demo, not a beta. The finished game is already being shipped. Nothing is going to change.
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