***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Well I think it's pretty dam alright!

Created a Gamespy login in game, although I had to use Angel_Slice_59 rather than my normal Angel_Slice as that name just timed out when attempting to create. (Feel free to add me)

Also make sure you have a Capital letter and number thrown in the password for good measure.

I also made the account at 02:00 this morning, when I guess the taffic was quieter.
Multiplayer demo is out.

People just don't stop complaining do they? After all its only a demo and it states on the first page that everything will not be the same in the final release... Meaning things can change! It's to give the devs a chance to see what they have done wrong and hopfully for our sakes they do. You complained when crysis came out and it was too resource hungery and now you are complaining that it doesn't look good enough ? what the hell really comon... maby this is the reason PC developers are turning to consoles because they don't whine and moan about everything :(. I personaly hate consoles by the way...
The demo isn't that fun. Autoaim isn't explained anywhere, it seems to sometimes work and sometimes not... Maybe it only works at a certain distance?

Motion blue is annoying, can't find anywhere to turn it off. Can't customise your graphic options. Gameplay is the same as all other FPS (CoD/MoH) of the recent 3-4 years. More time played = more advantageous unlocks and more kill streaks = bonuses.

FPS games have changed a lot since RTCW/SoF2 when skill was king. Now you get too many console-port training wheels like autoaim, enemies showing on your minimap and these silly gameplay unlocks that reward time-played like some MMO hybrid.
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People just don't stop complaining do they? After all its only a demo and it states on the first page that everything will not be the same in the final release... Meaning things can change! It's to give the devs a chance to see what they have done wrong and hopfully for our sakes they do. You complained when crysis came out and it was too resource hungery and now you are complaining that it doesn't look good enough ? what the hell really comon... maby this is the reason PC developers are turning to consoles because they don't whine and moan about everything :(. I personaly hate consoles by the way...

No, people complained about Crysis not looking like the original promo videos yet still being a resource hog.

Why shouldn't we whine? Over the past 10 years I've seen games go from 99% playable on release to around 50. Too many games these days launch with bugs and we're expected to shell out our money first only to find this out when we sit down to play.
Game plays perfectly for me. Signed up in a couple minutes and jumped right in. Not a hitch. played 4-5 games so far. It looks great (people are complaining about the visuals? even on my pretty meh system of an unlocked athlon x3 and a 768mb gtx 460 it looks fantastic). Play style will take a bit of adjusting to but theres no prone spammers, not seen much camping, melee isnt insta gib (unless sneaking from behind), the suit makes tactics viable, the maps are large and varied enough. Beats the bland modern war clones that the market is flooded with. Wasnt sure about buying it before but its easily on my list now, hoping the single player is great too.

If people have had different experiences when signing in then I see why it could be frustrating with such a major release but meh, im happy.
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If thats how you feel about it then fair enough. Theres not been any grenade spam, tubing, prone camping, knife running, OP map destroying perks etc. The suit allows for a more 3d playstyle, the temp stealth helps when using tactics, the maps look a bit different rather than the normal 'house in field' or 'sub/army base' settings. Its probly just me, and I never said it was a complete refresh of the genre but that it did things a bit different.
Give it time and the typical gaming scenario will be in there, people will just be checking things out and then they'll mix it up with noob tubes, bunny hopping, camping etc.
Finally got in, and I like the look of it,

Sound doesn't work at any point for me though,

Quite like the hud and the different look

Edit: found sound fix, it does not like sound drivers to be set to 8 channel on a variety of cards, change to 4 or 6 and it works
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Give it time and the typical gaming scenario will be in there, people will just be checking things out and then they'll mix it up with noob tubes, bunny hopping, camping etc.

Thats more to do with the player rather than the game. There will always be people who choose to play like tards because they either suck at playing normally or are to lazy/lame and want easy kills.

Not played much but dont even know if tubes are available and granades seem to have a longer timer and the area damage it causes isnt OP. Im willing to give it time to see how it pans out because so far its better than the shooters weve had recently because it is a bit different (in my opinion). Im finding it fun.
Got account created and went to click on activation link, I get a screen saying mycrysis is in "Maintenance Mode" and will be back up in 3-4 hours :/
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