***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

My summery:

Personally i hated crysis multiplayer, crysis2 multi is better but not my cup of tea as i hate halo style kinda things, perfer my battlefields and modern warfares.

Game its self tho, if the videos are anything to go by, the story should be pretty good so should be enjoyable to play the single player which is why i got crysis 1 in the first place so should be worth buying.

Graphics wise, can see why people are ranting about textures, but this is a demo and you cant change the 3d options and it doesn't look exactly bad as it is really.

Performance wise, im running it on hardcore spec in cig which isnt exactly a high end system and it ran it absolutely fine smoothe and pretty high fps it doesnt feel slow like crysis 1, and im getting sandy bridge tomorrow morning infact so should run even smoother.

Demo thoughts for a demo after only playing it 10 mins, 7.5/10 but its a demo, im sure the game its self will be 9/10 etleast as id score Crysis 1 a good 9/10

Message sent in trust.

I actually created a new account for you, I have no hate!

Keeps saying invalid characters in the login =<

Does it everytime i try to use a login with numbers, any other time it just refreshes the login and goes blank.

Crytek you are ass
It wasn't working for me all day but it is now.

Really enjoyed playing it and so has everyone i know so far. Seems like a bit of fun!

Mental frame rates on 580gtx also.
Anyone else constantly getting failed to connect to host?

Mine also seems to get stuck on 'initialising squad' when logging in now?
is anyone else getting an error message sayign usuported video card detected and then the game ctd before even loading, im running 6850 xfire.
How does it look compared to crisis 1 mp? We all know multiplayer has gimped graphics. How bad did BC2 look in beta! it was shocking
Just gave it a go and the graphics seem to be OK but I don't like the multiplayer at all.

Will be getting it for the Single Player though.

You should be banned for shoveling bull. Looks far far better heh, I doubt you have actually even played it coming out with nonsense like that, here take another look.

It does actually look better than Crysis 1. You can go on the warpath like some bitter jaded 'pc veteran' all you like, I am still seeing a massively improved game both in terms of graphics and performance. If you actually felt trolled by that, you're a very sad individual. Especially when you go onto attack other posters who agree with me over something that is perfectly reasonable.

You even forgot to restart the demo between changing graphics settings.
What what, there is no message saying I need to restart the game to refresh GFX settings, it's the same as crysis it refreshes them in game, you know that's what that 5-10 second pause is, notice the drop in FPS with fraps with different IQ. Really I highly doubt you have even played it, you have no clue.
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It does actually look better than Crysis 1. You can go on the warpath like some bitter jaded 'pc veteran' all you like, I am still seeing a massively improved game both in terms of graphics and performance. If you actually felt trolled by that, you're a very sad individual. Especially when you go onto attack other posters who agree with me over something that is perfectly reasonable.

You even forgot to restart the demo between changing graphics settings.

Haha, it does not look better than Crysis 1. It looks a fair bit worse.

awful textures, no parralax occlusion mapping e.t.c.

I am hoping this is just for the multiplayer and because it is a simple port of the console demo.
What what, there is no message saying I need to restart the game to refresh GFX settings, it's the same as crysis it refreshes them in game, you know that's what that 5-10 second pause is, notice the drop in FPS with fraps with different IQ. Really I highly doubt you have even played it, you have no clue.

Yeah, I sure am making all this up.

You are on the warpath for some reason I cannot discern and I should probably leave this alone :) Do us a favour and try not to attack any other posters' subjective views on the matter.

I think it looks nicer. I apologize.

Carry on with your aggressiveness and I might just use the report post button or something.
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