***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

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Can someone tell me, if there is any connection between the aliens in the first game and the aliens in the second? Have they just abandoned the plot of the first Crysis game and effectively started again?
Can someone tell me, if there is any connection between the aliens in the first game and the aliens in the second? Have they just abandoned the plot of the first Crysis game and effectively started again?

Same species, in the first game you are told the ship that is found is millions of years old. So obviously in that time period the Aliens appearence\weaponry has changed.
Out of interest, is this still played online? I've played it a few times, but not in ages.

Will give it a go again after my exams.
On the whole i enjoyed this, but:
AI is a bit broken
Options wheel i found hard to select stealth, ended up flicking the mouse left and right to be able to choose it.
Quicktime events i felt out of place for a PC game.
I played the game and finished it tonight, I thought it was pretty damn awesome but it had its flaws. Some graphicsl glitches with my new card which I had to fix by rolling back a driver, other than that it ran butter smooth on Extreme settings, AI wasnt all that great, not much destructible environments and there wasnt many enemy types to kill.
Crysis 2 was a massive disappointment for me. I really enjoyed the original and I liked the fact that Crytek were pushing graphics forwards. However Crysis 2 is plainly a console port, every aspect of it is worse than the original.

Still working my way through the game myself since I bought it because I can't play it for more than 30 mins or so without it boring me senseless. Its definitely a step back from the first game in most areas apart from possibly story telling, which in regards to that alone its on par.

Its daft that this new game 4 years after the first one is dx 9 whilst the first one in 2007 was a dx10 game....
Its daft that this new game 4 years after the first one is dx 9 whilst the first one in 2007 was a dx10 game....

Was more of a hacked in dx10 than anything, just about every "dx10" effect in the game was doable in dx9. I think there was only 1 effect that was not replicable by editing the cfgs.
Was more of a hacked in dx10 than anything, just about every "dx10" effect in the game was doable in dx9. I think there was only 1 effect that was not replicable by editing the cfgs.

Yet we now have dx11 available to us which gives dx10 visuals + tesselation and vastly better volumetric particle + lighting effects, all available to be implemented in games and instead of getting that, we don't even get dx10.

Poor show no matter how you try and dress it.
lol who cares about DX11 the game is hardly worth playing again what with it being so linear and TBH a bore fest, some dodgy tessellated walls can't hide its console roots and won't disguise the fact crysis 2 is a shambles on PC, crytek sold out to consoles big time.
Wow, they have released maps already? That's pretty quick, i'm thinking people might not know their way around some of the original maps.

I was thinking about getting the game, the vast amount of options you have to attack players is nice, especially the invisible cloak thing. :)
The online has major lag issues, balance problems and a lot of the players have left the game, If you can pick it up cheap then yeah give it a blast but don't pay full price for it.
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