***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

no, yes, yes, yes, yes, but just because other games are doing it doesn't mean thats a good reason to change your game from one of the things it was known for to something else.

The linearity is not the main issue its one of many contributing factors. There are linear games with decent AI and a good story and are therefore infintely better than Crysis 2.

Do you not remember the second half of the first game? Im a fan of smart design, I hold a game by its own merits not judge it by its predecessors', crytek cut the fat and made a better product. If you dont like the game because the mechanics and design are flawed then fine, but dont hate on it because its not something else.
Do you not remember the second half of the first game? Im a fan of smart design, I hold a game by its own merits not judge it by its predecessors', crytek cut the fat and made a better product. If you dont like the game because the mechanics and design are flawed then fine, but dont hate on it because its not something else.

Yes linear gameplay should allow you to tell an excellent story (that why the second part of Crysis is linear, so they can actually get down to the story).

Judging a game based on its predecessors is valuable because, especially in this case, it shows what the developer is capable of. Clearly with Crysis 2 Crytek did not perform as well as they had before, whether that is due to lack of money or time or will.
Clearly with Crysis 2 Crytek did not perform as well as they had before, whether that is due to lack of money or time or will.
Maybe the consoles are not capable of having a very large free roaming world that is as detailed as Crysis?

And if they would have made the PC version of Crysis 2 very different to the console versions it might have taken them months longer to finish?

If Crysis and Warhead would not have existed, would you still be so harsh regarding Crysis 2?
Maybe the consoles are not capable of having a very large free roaming world that is as detailed as Crysis?

And if they would have made the PC version of Crysis 2 very different to the console versions it might have taken them months longer to finish?

If Crysis and Warhead would not have existed, would you still be so harsh regarding Crysis 2?

Yes because as I have said the linearity is not the major issue. The AI is still a steaming pile of **** and the story is dog ****. Surely those two things are THE most important factors in any single player game and can be done well on any platform.
I should add that RavenXXX2, there are only six other people who has posted more times than you in this thread. You have 50 posts of whining about a game you apparently don't care about.
It was the same for the multiplayer demo thread, you had a hefty number there (more than nearly everyone else) and it's exactly the same kind of posts here. You just seem really angry and unable to move on.

Par for the course with evilcro....oh sorry ""raven" im afraid. He doesnt like the game but for some reason continues to post, you don't like it, we get it. Now...begone!
Yes because as I have said the linearity is not the major issue. The AI is still a steaming pile of **** and the story is dog ****. Surely those two things are THE most important factors in any single player game and can be done well on any platform.

It does feel like a very different game. Its decent enough but just not great, not much substance to it really and wont go through it ever again. It was like crysis mixed with COD but I like cod and i like crysis so dont get why this failed really
And what in your opinion is wrong with the story? To me it ties the 2 games together very well.

Its totally uninvolving and bat**** crazy? It doesn't tie the games together. Explains nothing of the Ceph, how they got to Manhattan, why they no longer fly and instead walk around, how they got hold of the "pingers", suddenly the nano suit has become plot filler for "we couldnt think of a good reason for this to happen so the nano suit did it."
Par for the course with evilcro....oh sorry ""raven" im afraid. He doesnt like the game but for some reason continues to post, you don't like it, we get it. Now...begone!

Check you out, defender of sub-par games, this and DNF, PJS much.. I don't see a sign above the thread stating " you must love this game to post " All the points I make are valid, crysis 2 is game that every PC gamer should detest, a complete dumbed down console orientated title. You will be glad to know that's my last on this game, I'm over it, it's not worth the discussion anymore.
Its totally uninvolving and bat**** crazy? It doesn't tie the games together. Explains nothing of the Ceph, how they got to Manhattan, why they no longer fly and instead walk around, how they got hold of the "pingers", suddenly the nano suit has become plot filler for "we couldnt think of a good reason for this to happen so the nano suit did it."

I think most of that is fairly obvious if you had played the first game.

The Ceph craft in the first game its noted has been there for millions of years, its also metioned during the Carrier scene that theyre broadcasting a signal to another Galaxy. Given that theyre there millions of years its a fair bet that their species has evolved to some extent, this also lets the devs let the combat fit citystreets rather than wide open areas on an Island, so the ceph are now bipeds.

The pingers and how they got to Manhattan are also fairly obvious, its an invasion fleet from the Planet the Signal was being broadcasted to. The Nanosuit may be "plot filler" but in the first game you really know nothing about the suit or how it came to be, all you know is its a tactical suit developed by the Government, so that also gets expanded on.
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Check you out, defender of sub-par games, this and DNF,

Check you out, defender of Nvidia to the death, poster of BS info and owner of a laughable (still in denial) youtube channel.

Anyway, "subpar" or not the games are enjoyable, ive not said theres plenty of thigns in DNF that couldn't be improved, im just happy to be able to play the game after a long wait. Its a welcome change from the snorefest that is call of duty. If the mod community get their way the game could be greatly improved on, duke 3d got a good working over, just a matter of gearbox shovelling out some mod tools :)

Crysis 2 done what i expected it to, you're just butthurt it didn't ship with dx11.
Ah makes perfect sense now aliens evolve millions of years and decide that 2 legs is better than flying and tentacles...or rather the devs were too lazy to program that in. Also I'm pretty sure that millions of years of evolution don't make you run into walls or spin around endlessly.
Ah makes perfect sense now aliens evolve millions of years and decide that 2 legs is better than flying and tentacles...or rather the devs were too lazy to program that in. Also I'm pretty sure that millions of years of evolution don't make you run into walls or spin around endlessly.

Yeah because no game ever has ai bugs, right? That being said it doesnt help matters Cevat Yerli was flapping his gums about it being the toughest ai you'd ever encounter.

I think it would be incredibly difficult to code the original Aliens to work in that environment, far too much stuff for them to get tied up in. Everything would have to look pretty bare for them to function properly. Also people were of the opinion that crysis (like farcry) went downhill after the Aliens were introduced so its possible they made them biped so it was more like fighting regular Footsoldiers.
Ah makes perfect sense now aliens evolve millions of years and decide that 2 legs is better than flying and tentacles...or rather the devs were too lazy to program that in. Also I'm pretty sure that millions of years of evolution don't make you run into walls or spin around endlessly.

hmmm im sure evolution is based on eviroment also so perhaps this would be the reason for the legs :D
Either way I found the story totally uninvolving. I never felt like I was actually contributing, more that the story was going on around me and I was not party to it.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion (even though its wrong :p) and for me this game was a huge disappointment and not worth the money I payed for it, it offers absolutely zero replay value whereas the first two I have happy played through multiple times. In my eyes Crytek failed to live up to their previous performance.

Crytek, I am dissapoint.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion (even though its wrong :p) and for me this game was a huge disappointment and not worth the money I payed for it, it offers absolutely zero replay value whereas the first two I have happy played through multiple times. In my eyes Crytek failed to live up to their previous performance.
I am sorta with you, for me it wasn't worth full price so I waited a while and bought the game 2nd hand for 25 euro and after I finish SP I will sell it again for 20 euro or so.
Either way I found the story totally uninvolving. I never felt like I was actually contributing, more that the story was going on around me and I was not party to it.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion (even though its wrong :p) and for me this game was a huge disappointment and not worth the money I payed for it, it offers absolutely zero replay value whereas the first two I have happy played through multiple times. In my eyes Crytek failed to live up to their previous performance.

Crytek, I am dissapoint.

Your right it didnt offer much replay value at all. I dont feel like i ever want to go through this game again but didnt feel it was that bad in fact i thought it was decent enough. spent 30 bucks on much worse really. The 1st game wasn't perfect either and was perhaps a little too sand box for its own good sometimes and it had stupid ai also just it was at the other end of the scale and the enemy would spot you when it should be impossible and they were often bullet sponges with shots to the head even. Also at least in the 2nd game you could take advantage of the nano suit more due to it lasting longer.
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