Not when it's plastered on a dog of a game to begin with.
The game is fine!?
Can't see why everyone hates it!
Thats the problem...its just fine...or rather barely fine.
Go play Crysis 1 and then come back and tell me that Crysis 2 is a worthy sequel 3-4 years later.
I was playing Crysis 1 there the now and it did look nice except from the drops in fps I was getting, I suppose I like Crysis 2 better because I really enjoy the online gameplay and thats all I have played never tried singleplayer at all in Crysis 2 so I guess I might notice a bigger difference if I did but I wouldn't say it looks TERRIBLE it looks worse than the first one but that was a PC exclusive, This one is now a console game as well so they have to dumb down the graphics a bit I guess I don't really mind. They need to get DX11 out though because that will surely make the graphics a bit better at least. It isn't the worst looking game around DNF looks worse for example but then again look at what The Witcher 2 can do with DX9 then compare it to Crysis 2 so I suppose you do have a point there but overall its just personal opinion.![]()
Ah that explains your stand point, go play singleplayer....actually save yourself the misery.
Ah that explains your stand point, go play singleplayer....actually save yourself the misery.
crysis 2 single player is great, what you want out of a first person shooter is beyond me
Hmm lets see, a decent story, a more open way to approach objectives, a variety of enemies, a decent story, my moneys worth of gameplay time, a decent story, a challenging final boss fight, a decent story, AI that actually works...oh and a decent ******* story.
Raven is right, graphics are the least of this games problems but you would have thought that Crytek could have at least done that right.
The mere existence of the "visor" showing "tactical options" is testament to the retardedness of gamers these days (or maybe how retarded developers think gamers are).
while the visor was a step too far, it did ironically highlight the various different ways to approach each objective. What do you think of duke nukem forever? Id love to hear your views on a game like that.
There are different ways to play this game, you can do it stealthy and go for stealth kills, go for sniping from a distance to running in shooting everything that moves with a HMG.Yes there are different way to approach...down the same narrow corridor.
I haven't got it yet waiting on a sale but apparently its not the game people were expecting...kind of like this.
Yes there are different way to approach...down the same narrow corridor.
you played homefront? or call of duty? bad company? half-life? goldeneye? have you only enjoyed fallout 3 in the last 5 years then? and crysis of course.
Now this game has worse visuals than DNF. And worse gameplay.