***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Well, all installed with textures / dx11 stuff and it doesnt look THAT different while playing, and the framerate has gone down from solid 60+ to around 35-40... quite disappointed.

thats on Core i5 2500k @ 4.5ghz, and 2x 6950's shader unlocked, @ 1080p btw
Before 1.9
extreme, no blur dx9


ultra, dx11, hi res texture package, no blur fps drop of 5-10



guess it doesnt matter as crytek make kinect games now :/
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is little shuttle system gonna be able to play this?

SN78SH7 Shuttle
AMD Phenom II X4 Quad Core 965
XFX ATI Radeon HD5770 -
SSD 80GB Intel X25-M
orsair XMS2 4GB PC2-8500C5
Lol the AI is still totally retarded and broken and fire still looks crap compared to Crysis or Farcry 2.

Also I forgot how annoying the begining of this game was. "Press B to open visor options" "Err...No?" "Press B to open visor options" "FFFFFUUUUUUU". "Press E to enter stealth mode" "No I don't want to" *nothing happens whilst the game waits for me to do as I am told*.

I'm sorry crytek but I thought I was supposed to be playing this game. Is your main office in Soviet Russia now?
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DX11 tesselation is certainly working, look at the bricks:

Look at the memory usage in afterburner as well though! Going to need 3GB cards for eyefinity/surround. This is fully maxed.

Quoted from another forum:

A 64bit operating system and graphics card with at least 1 GB of memory are required to use that texture pack.

Edit:^ Looks great above
Lol the AI is still totally retarded and broken and fire still looks crap compared to Crysis or Farcry 2.

Also I forgot how annoying the begining of this game was. "Press B to open visor options" "Err...No?" "Press B to open visor options" "FFFFFUUUUUUU". "Press E to enter stealth mode" "No I don't want to" *nothing happens whilst the game waits for me to do as I am told*.

I'm sorry crytek but I thought I was supposed to be playing this game. Is your main office in Soviet Russia now?

I forgot how annoying you are in this thread, patch no good then? it hasn't saved the world as some had hoped?
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