***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

I'm downloading the DX11 patch and textures now.

I'm more interested in how much this will hit the fps count as opposed to how pretty it may make the game lol
I forgot how annoying you are in this thread, patch no good then? it hasn't saved the world as some had hoped?

Oh don't get me wrong the game looks better...but its still a poor game.

Although the highres textures are a bit disappointing. Look at the shots I put in the screenshot thread. I'm pretty sure the wall in the 3rd picture is using the sand texture from minecraft :p

Textures aside it is a big improvement graphically but its still a broken game.
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It does look noticeably better, seems to be really good shadows, anti aliasing seems to be on of some sort and the vegetation seems really good.

I am dissappointed in the high res textures though.....i saw a fair amount on a street bit that looked bad so it seems they only applied to certain things which i think were plants/trees/buildings/walls but not objects like bins/tables and such.
...averaging 20-25 FPS with the new DX11 patch with everything on ULTRA settings at 1920 x 1080 and the game plays with a border around it and not fullscreen.
Proper performance killer this patch is with everything on ultra. My rig keeps dipping into the 20s using ultra settings now.
i7 920 @ stock

GTX480 @ 820/1900


Went online and averaged 35-45fps not bad...

Will probably play through the campaign again to really test it.
After installing the dx11 update and high res patch I had a few initial thoughts.

~The sub escape intro looked great.

~Huge performance hit. Lows in the high teens and low twenties, average about mid thirties and the odd high peak in the 60s. With vsync on the frame rate was bouncing between 30 and 45 with it dropping to 20 at busier moments.

~GPU utilisation has actually gone down, though maybe due to the tesselation bit of my GPU causing a bottleneck? CPU and GPU sat at about 80% each.
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