Is it AMD cards that have had a massive performance hit?
It's still very playable with a GTX480 at 30-50fps whereas some of you 6970 users are getting below 30.
Would you consider this a driver issue?
Is it AMD cards that have had a massive performance hit?
It's still very playable with a GTX480 at 30-50fps whereas some of you 6970 users are getting below 30.
Would you consider this a driver issue?
i thought they said that this update would include a benchmark for crysis2 , did they change their minds as i cannot find it lol
Is anyone else getting an annoying sound playing when playing the game? Almost sounds like a piece of metal bouncing up and down on the spot constantly.
I caught a recording of it while watching a cell soldier ask a rifle if it was feeling ok...literally
Anyone claiming they've not had a performance drop is lying to put it bluntly.
not tried it on my 6970 as i am playing it on my gtx480 atm , any 6970 users confirm this ?
So what's the consensus with regards to DX11 then? Noticeable improvements and performance hit or not?
If unlocked 6950 is facing performance hits then I wonder how my overclocked 5850@900/1200 (5870 stock+) will handle this gameI am on a 6950 with unlocked shader running at 950/1400 and the performance at 1920x1080 went from 60-70fps to 30-40 fps so a sizeable one.
I hope people get modding soon so we can have another natural mod as the current high res texture pack only seems to be affecting textures that had writing or pictures and vegetation.
Has anybody got to a part with debris floating in water yet to confirm whether that ghastly texture is either fixed or removed?