***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Neither am i but he asked what we expected of graphics. Spending 4 years going backwards is not great is it.

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you there. The graphics haven't progressed massively in 4 years true, but they don't look that bad. You can't say they are worse than this:

Neither am i but he asked what we expected of graphics. Spending 4 years going backwards is not great is it.

It's not like I have a good enough gpu atm to run it on the PC to see what this really can look like. :(

You'd think they would enable the extra horse power that a decent PC can push out; going by others comments I don't seem to notice that many positive reactions.
Sorry, I'm a troll?

Lulwut? I apologise for having a different opinion to you, guess free speech isn't allowed in a democratic and civilized country.

Oh, wait...

Oh and it won't let me login on my own PC (was playing on a mates). Network error, or something? Disappointed as I was enjoying this game :)
Right, just had a wee go so i'll provide some input. Not read anyone else's posts so sorry if i'm going over old posts.

1) Controls feel horrible. I spent about 20 minutes trying to find the sweet spot on the mouse sensitivity but the controls just feel heavy and sluggish. Can't put my finger on it but they don't feel right for a mouse and keyboard.

2) Feels like COD but with a Nanosuit. You still put loads of bullets into enemies before they die, most firelight's were a sprayfest that you'd see on a console. Also autoaim... wtf...

3) Bloom and general looks. The bloom in this is applied so much that you feel like you're running around while being in a constant haze after a flash bang has hit you. Like if you run out of a building to go outside it's basically just a white/blue tinge that's way overdone. Graphics i'd say are average, I assumed they'd be up to par as this is Crytek but they look like any other average game on medium settings. Talking about settings, this has none. You get 3 pre-sets of ridiculous names that i've already forgotten. This is the PC ffs, I want to customise the game to my liking not to someone else's crappy pre-set config.

So yeah, going by this demo it's average at best to be fair though it is a demo so hopefully they'll tweak something before release. Will give it another go tomorrow after work.
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Ive played the game for an hour or so and i havent noticed any auto aim at all, im not sure its even there (might be a choice for server hosts or something).

Game runs well for me, though havent played crysis 1 on this rig so cant say if its been optimised better. Graphics options having only 3 settings is quite terrible but im hoping theyll fix this with a patch.

Gameplay seems VERY cod like. Doesnt seem to be much skill or tactics to it, just running round shooting people without much thought really. Fun for a while but will get boring pretty quick i think. Singleplayer from what ive seen from the leak looks very good so im not bothered about multi that much. Armour mode seems a bit crap gameplay wise, you just push q when you see someone then turn it off when youve killed them, seems a bit silly to me (doesnt help all that much either). Cloak is a bit more interesting and ill have to play around with it some more, it does greatly effect your ability to see someone so unless youre looking straight at them, they are hard to spot

Bottom line, the multiplayer is fun, but not nearly good enough to justify buying it solely for the multiplayer.
The fact that they intend (or so they say) to patch in DX11 at a later date, is them squeezing that final bit of urine out.

Was going to hold off purchasing Shogun 2 to play this when it came out 10 days later, however, obvious port is obvious, and I've cancelled my pre-order and will be enjoying the likes of Shogun 2 instead :p
It might be 'massive', but it's still smaller than the console market.

Just saw this on PCGamer, Super Meat Boy sold more on pc in 2 weeks than xbox's total sales. http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/03/01/super-meat-boy-pc-sold-more-in-two-weeks-than-xboxs-total-sales/

Granted its a very different game to Crysis 2, but it proves that the PC audience has as much potential as consoles. Especially since SMB is a singleplayer game which you would think would be pirated more than games with multiplayer components and also most people would agree it plays better on a gamepad. I recall Orange Box sold more on PC too.
Spent most of the day downloading this and trying to get into a game, spent about 20 minutes playing and then quickly uninstalled. What a waste of time.
Here's my new system specs:-

CPU 3.2 GHz PowerPC Tri-Core Xenon
Memory 512 MB of GDDR3 RAM clocked at 700 MHz
Graphics 500 MHz ATI Xenos

Will it run Crysis 2 ok? ;)
Meh cant log in.

I try to login to a existing account and it says 'username not valid, must be atleast 3 characters blah blah blah'. The username matches all the criteria they ask for :s

So i try to create a new account. It tells me I cant because my email is already in use.

I try to retrieve account info and it takes me to a site that tells me its gonna be down for 3-4 hours. I wait 3-4 hours and go back to the site. I try to retrieve my account info and it tells me my email isnt recognised!! :s

After that i decide to create an account using my gmail email address, it tells me that the email is also in use even though I only created the gmail account last week!!

Give up!
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just had a quick go....seemed ok.
had it on gamer settings and it ran pretty smooth.

it does play very cod 4 like.
Didn't have a problem logging on or anything - had a Gamespy account from playing Borderlands Co-op.

I don't really mind the game, the visuals aren't mind blowing but they aren't terrible.

Plagued with connection issues though, cant seem to stay connected to a server for more than 5 minutes before I lose connection.
@ #368

^^ There is no need to gimp the GFX on a PC for multi, console yes, PC no. Anyway the leaked beta was the same so that blows that theory out of the water.

There may be no need or it, but it still happens. Crysis Multiplayer, and Crysis Wars both had gimped graphics compared to the single player game, it'd be good if we remembered this while ranting about it. It also looks like it's exactly the same demo that the xbox 360 got too.
I dont care if people say "this is the demo they left out highest settings" im sorry ive been playing pc games when voodoo cards were out, this saying is the biggest load of cobblers in my life. They just want to grab your hard earnt money.

It doesn't matter how long you've been playing games for, it doesn't change the fact that Crytek gimped the multiplayer graphics of the first Crysis, and Crysis Warhead, and it looks like they've done the same here.
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