Lol Was gonna upload some footage of people trying to melee my holograms, maybe it was you.
As I said earlier thr hologram is a scream.
Has the concept been done in a game before? I guess so in Halo series?
Is anyone else having audio problems? I get no sound at all, not even from the menu screens. Sadly, the only options in the game are for levelling audio, not changing device, so not sure what it's outputting to (if anything). Anyone else encountered this?
Change your sound from 8 channel to 6,4 or 2, failing that play around with your surround settings, it doesnt like 8 channel
Change your sound from 8 channel to 6,4 or 2, failing that play around with your surround settings, it doesnt like 8 channel
Lol love the login process. I can't remember my username and password for the last games so goto the site to do the forgottern password. Site says my email is not in use but the game does and I know full well which email i used.
So fine i'll create a new account, using a different email address. Then says the username is in use, so I change it and now the email is in use. So its registered the new email address when I had the username in use. muppets.
haha probably was, atleast i know now what it is and how it works. I'm currently as [OCUK]Neil79, if anyone wants