***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

sorry if its already been posted but has it been confirmed that it will be dx9 until later patched? if so i might cancel my pre order seeing as i dont want to play it through on dx9 and then have to play it again to enjoy it in dx11:confused:
I only got 30 mins to play it last night but it seemed ok to me. I didn't really notice any autoaim but the server i was on was a bit laggy so it was all a bit spray and pray and perhaps couldn't tell!

The graphics looked good playing on hardcore settings and getting about 50 fps average. I agree the bloom and filters are way, way overdone. I'm sure it'll look better in the full game.

The real turn off for me is no DX11, march is a good month for games so if I'm going to have to wait for a DX11 patch to play the SP I may as well wait until it drops in price.
I'm personally not bothered about dx10/11 textures as the game looks great by todays standards, feels very cinematic which I like and more polished than the original imo.
Still abit of a bummer that it'll be(or it might only be?) dx9 on launch sure but it's not something that would affect my decision to buy the game.
Hoping for a good single player experience as the multiplayer is better than I expected.
Well another day, another attempt at trying to log in. Still no joy. Sorry but nothing should take this amount of effort to even get to the main screen. It's a demo FFS. Why not just throw everyone into a pool with a randomized name, nothing will carry over to the full game and everyones only bashing about. Complete waste of time and bandwidth, couldn't possibly suck harder.
Can somebody explain what extra features will be added via DX11that will make it so different from DX9?

Graphics looked fine to me and performance was great.

Only niggle I would say was the mouse seemed extremely over sensitive.
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Got to say that it runs really smooth. Never under 40fps with my GTX 470.

One bad sign though, it plays and feels a lot better using my 360 controller plugged into the PC. Does that count as cheating? :p
Well i enjoyed it :o:o:o:o, i've been console derpified!

Anyway how stupid can i get, i was playing the game and noticed this enemy just standing there against a wall. I kept on shooting it, trying to strangle it, running and back forth then i thought must be lag!. I died right after, saw another unit and i did the same thing and died.

I typed " what's with the hologram?, i can't kill it "

Looked in the options, " HOLOGRAM "

Oh dear :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D
Lol Was gonna upload some footage of people trying to melee my holograms, maybe it was you. :p
As I said earlier thr hologram is a scream. :D
Has the concept been done in a game before? I guess so in Halo series?
Lol Was gonna upload some footage of people trying to melee my holograms, maybe it was you. :p
As I said earlier thr hologram is a scream. :D
Has the concept been done in a game before? I guess so in Halo series?

haha probably was, atleast i know now what it is and how it works :D:D. I'm currently as [OCUK]Neil79, if anyone wants to add me?

Btw the one thing i'm extremely greatful for that hardly any other developers do

" Headbobbing " - OFF

Thanks Crytek, i hate headbobbing!
Im suprised i can actually play this in gamer settings at 5760x1080 and record it with fraps at a playable framerate, and thats with crossfire disabled. :eek:
Is anyone else having audio problems? I get no sound at all, not even from the menu screens. Sadly, the only options in the game are for levelling audio, not changing device, so not sure what it's outputting to (if anything). Anyone else encountered this?
Is anyone else having audio problems? I get no sound at all, not even from the menu screens. Sadly, the only options in the game are for levelling audio, not changing device, so not sure what it's outputting to (if anything). Anyone else encountered this?

Change your sound from 8 channel to 6,4 or 2, failing that play around with your surround settings, it doesnt like 8 channel
I cant seem to login in to play the demo, i created an account at mycrysis.com and tried login with those details but it didnt work, just stays at the login screen, tried creating an account from the screen with a different email address but says thats been used, which it hasnt.
Change your sound from 8 channel to 6,4 or 2, failing that play around with your surround settings, it doesnt like 8 channel

Yes, I don't have any sound here either. Using an Asus soundcard.

Whoops, just read the rest of the thread, will change number of channels! :D
Played it for a while, seems ok, nothing special but it has that unmistakeblle console-feel.

Hopefully the final release wont be like that. but theres not much hope :(
Lol love the login process. I can't remember my username and password for the last games so goto the site to do the forgottern password. Site says my email is not in use but the game does and I know full well which email i used.

So fine i'll create a new account, using a different email address. Then says the username is in use, so I change it and now the email is in use. So its registered the new email address when I had the username in use. muppets.
Lol love the login process. I can't remember my username and password for the last games so goto the site to do the forgottern password. Site says my email is not in use but the game does and I know full well which email i used.

So fine i'll create a new account, using a different email address. Then says the username is in use, so I change it and now the email is in use. So its registered the new email address when I had the username in use. muppets.

mycrysis is totally dead at the moment. nobody seems to be able to register at the moment. i'm just gonna leave it until tomorrow I think.
haha probably was, atleast i know now what it is and how it works :D:D. I'm currently as [OCUK]Neil79, if anyone wants

:D Really good fun ain't it? I have to remember to switch back to ammo after firing a hologram. Nothing worse than shooting one out, following it in cloaked mode, or just sitting in cover. Watch and wait for some unsuspecting player to attack it. Only for you to jump out on, or uncloak on them calmly ready, aimed and milking the moment, only to fire another hologram running at them. :D
If your really lucky or they are noob enough, or just downright confused enough by now, they will attack the second holy. :)

b.t.w. Has this holy weapon been done before, as I said before I am guessing it has in the halo series?
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