***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

:D Really good fun ain't it? I have to remember to switch back to ammo after firing a hologram. Nothing worse than shooting one out, following it in cloaked mode, or just sitting in cover. Watch and wait for some unsuspecting player to attack it. Only for you to jump out on, or uncloak on them calmly ready, aimed and milking the moment, only to fire another hologram running at them. :D
If your really lucky or they are noob enough, or just downright confused enough by now, they will attack the second holy. :)

b.t.w. Has this holy weapon been done before, as I said before I am guessing it has in the halo series?

perfect dark zero had a hologram thing i seem to remember
My Sandbridge+6950/6970 combo isn't doing that well at 1920x1080 + hardcore. 40-50fps but it feels very sluggish. I don't feel comfortable with the mouse controls which is a problem with almost every (console port) these days. Might also be due to the nearly unplayable FOV. Any ideas how to change the FOV?

Add the following commands to your shortcut targetline, changing 90 to your desired number:

+r_DrawNearFoV = 90
+pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 90

A few other commands also worth putting in there:

+i_mouse_smooth=0 (turns off mouse smoothing)
+g_skipIntro=1 (skips the startup intro)
+r_MotionBlur=0 (turns off motion blur)

Note, to add the commands you'll have to create a new shortcut or if you have the Steam version you can add them to the launch options.

An example of what mine looks like:

"E:\CRYSIS 2 MP DEMO\bin32\Crysis2Demo.exe" +cl_fov=90 +r_DrawNearFoV = 90 +pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 90 +r_MotionBlur=0 +g_skipIntro=1 +i_mouse_smooth=0
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Gah, spent ages getting the download (first one was corrupt) and now I can't even get on a server.

For what it's worth, I really liked Crysis Wars.
Still playing this for now, quite good fun and graphics aren't bad, but no where as good as most other PC games.


Add me, Nexus91.

Keep getting to the lobby but games aren't starting, or I'm not joining properly. I know some others have mentioned this - is it a bug or am I being stupid?
Keep getting to the lobby but games aren't starting, or I'm not joining properly. I know some others have mentioned this - is it a bug or am I being stupid?

mycrysis is failing still. sometimes i can't log in and my friends list won't work. i can't play right now for example. given up trying tbh. will have another go tomorrow. it's nothing you or anyone else is doing, it's just a p***-poor server backbone (or whatever it's called).
Apologies if this has been posted already.


Someone from Crytek seems to be updating that thread occasionally with info.

Auto Aim
For those of you concerned about auto aim in the PC version, please note this functionality is for control pads only (the PC version supports 360 control pads) and will not affect keyboard + mouse!

Can't see who would use a 360 pad for this on the pc tbh.

Cry-Tom is not me btw :p
Does sound like the auto aim problem is for those whove got a controller plugged in or set up. I did have my 360 pad plugged in but for some reason kept vibrating whenever I entered stealth (was an odd experience) so I unplugged it, havnt noticed any auto aim myself either.
Managed to finally get a game or two in. First impressions - it's fluid, but slow and cumbersome, despite being able to move fast. The FOV is ridiculous too. I don't like how small the maps are either. Crysis Wars is much more epic, strategic and fun. There's too much fragging for me!
How do you get this hologram thing? is it an unlock?

Yes it is. Once unlocked, you can select it in weapon set up.
To use it you press 2 for alternate fire, once selected, you aim in the direction you want the holy to go and fire. Off it trots, looking just like one of you or your team mates. It will climb stairs and carry on untill it comes to a wall, etc. I think you can fire it to just stand still aswell, as I am sure I did that a couple of times, or crouched and still. Not sure how though, as virtually every other time it just does rhe run ahead thingy.
Even shows up on nano vision. :D
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