***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

I haven't played the demo. How-ever, one of my favourite authors - Richard Morgan - apparently has done a bit of writing, or consulting or some such for it. So I'm interested to see how that turns out. That said, I imagine as long as I get to shoot people in the face I'll be happy! :D
Bah ! 3/4 of an hour of sitting in game lobbies with 12 players, going nowhere

Thought I'd give it another go after randomly disconnecting in lobbies and during a match yesterday. All I got just now was waiting in a lobby for 10mins with people joining and leaving. I now remember why I abandoned the MP FPS genre.
Let's face it - how many of you bought Crysis for the gameplay and storyline, and how many bought it mainly for the eye-popping visuals?

*Puts hand up* I bought it for the gameplay, like all games. I enjoy an insane visual master peice as much as the next man, but surely the purpose of a game, is to enjoy the gameplay, no?
The first game sold over 1.5 million copies, and that wasnt enough to have a PC only sequel :confused:

That's a lot of games but so what? If you run Crytek you can either make Crysis 2 for the PC and sell another 1.5 million or maybe 2 million but if you produce it for the consoles you can double your sales.

It would be nice to have a PC only sequel but in this day and age games cost a kings ransom to make and if that means selling on the consoles as well as the PC in order to fund these titles then so be it.
There should be ZERO Autoaim in this game at all. You want to use a pad for an fps on pc thats your own stupidity. Giant facepalm
It's like they don't even want to sell this game on pc :confused:

How hard can it be to have some properly high res textures, change "start" to "Enter" at the opening screen, get rid of autoaim and make sure that when you change the brightness it says MONITOR not TV???? Why not use steamworks instead of gamespy? Why not have DX 11 support straight from the box? All these things are unfathomable :confused:

Seriously, they have alienated what could possibly be their biggest audience for this game in one fell swoop.

Who knows how well it will sell on consoles, it may flop, especially on PS3 as Killzone 3 has only just come out.

Total failure Crytek....seriously.

What surprises me even more is that no one from Crytek has given an official statement about it? Therefore, this is obviously what we can expect from the final release; a simple watered down console game that has graphics that only just surpass F.E.A.R 2.


I for one am only really interested in the single player game but i will just wait till it is in the bargain bins now rather than buy it on day one. To be honest, by the time it is £5-£10 i will probably be too busy playing Battlefield 3 to even care.
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I've been playing the PC demo and the Xbox 360 demo today. Here's what I think so far:

the PC version looks 'nicer' but it's obvious it's exactly the same game. You aren't missing anything at all in playing the Xbox 360 version. I've been alternating between the two and any 'memorable' moments I've had, I really couldn't tell you which version I was playing at the time.

The mouse movement doesn't feel quite right. It's ok but it was made for a joypad.

I think their biggest mistake was calling it Crysis 2. That's where 90% of the negativity comes from. If they had have called it Urban Warriors or something like that. none of this would be being discussed. I'd imagine most console-only gamers don't know what Crysis is anyway. They made exactly the same mistake with Far Cry 2. They should have called it 'Horrace goes to the jungle' :cool: sounds daft but how much negative feedback would they have avoided.

In console circles, the PS3 version is rumoured to be better then the Xbox 360. With the 2 current versions being so similar, it will be interested to see where in the middle the PS3 version sits.

I'll probably buy either the Xbox 360/PS3 version in 2-3 months when it's £17.99 and then buy the PC version in the steam christmas sale for a about tenner. Dx11 patch won't happen. Even if it does, it won't be much if it's just a patch.
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Maximum Armour, Yeh right! seems pretty weak to me and what's the point of the invisible suit if people can see you?
Maximum Armour, Yeh right! seems pretty weak to me and what's the point of the invisible suit if people can see you?

Im wondering wtf is the point of a helmet on the suit if a single headshot can kill you, which it does on a consistant basis, i don't even think the vaunted "armour mode" (which seems to let you take about 3 more hits) makes a bit of difference to it. :confused:

Really badly thought out this mp.
Too true!

Like sometimes i've just been shot and killed an ememy, i quickly put on maximum armour to compensate for my low health yet i die instantly as if i never used it.
Too true!

Like sometimes i've just been shot and killed an ememy, i quickly put on maximum armour to compensate for my low health yet i die instantly as if i never used it.

Half the time i die its when im trying to run somewhere cloaked only to get 5 feet before transitioning into Artritic Geriatric Sloth mode leaving my cheeks open for insertion. :(

"By now youre the proud owner of a cusom built nano technology battle suit, which lets you wreak havoc across the multiplayer arena"

Might want to revise that opening line to,

"By now you've downloaded this demo and torn most of your hair out trying to get it work"
^ all these WOW unlocks, achievements are all well and good till everyone else has the same! and then you might aswell just take it all out
I'm not sure what would be better... that the game itself is quite good or that the game itself is no better than this pure console port with 0 effort just to put 1 over on the blind optimists...

I keep getting tempted to dl this demo (can't say i cared for Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 just sounds terrible) but it doesn't sound like its worth the effort...
I just played it again...anyone who thinks this has anywhere near the graphical fidelity of the original Crysis seriously needs their eyes checked.

It's like its a completely different game/engine :(
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I just played it again...anyone who thinks this has anywhere near the graphical fidelity of the original Crysis seriously needs their eyes checked.

It's like its a completely different game/engine :(

It is a different engine. :confused:
It is a different engine. :confused:

Well, its a bloody sight worse!

Remember how good the nanosuit textures used to be!?

Crysis 2:

I've played it quite a bit over the past couple of days. My first initial gripe with it was the movement. It felt "sticky" of sorts and I didn't feel like I could flow around a map with much ease. But I think this was down to the fact that I've just finished Bulletstorm and that to add balance they've slowed you down when in maximum armour mode.

Having kept at it and gone through all the levels/unlocks I'm actually quite enjoying it. Balance seems to be pretty good, nothing is too over/underpowered, using the powers takes a bit of thinking rather than just sitting in a corner in stealth all day and it's fun to play.

The air stomp power is useless though, seems to have a too smaller damage radius and the reset time after you've done it takes FOREVER. Obviously this is to stop people spamming it but it's quite annoying just crouching for what feels like a very long time after having missed the slam, only to get shot to crap. Haven't used it since my first couple of tries at it and I don't ever see anyone else use it either so maybe it does need a little tweaking.

Textures are pretty low res but I'll wait for the full PC release before I pass too much judgement on the graphics. Other than that I don't think it looks that bad and most important of all it runs well, which is all I care about in a multiplayer FPS
THIS HAPPEND TO ME JUST now it got stuck at 1 second....

LOL dont happen to be in my lobby?:D

Yeah, it was probably me who was causing it to stick thanks to my "strict NAT" (funny how no other games are a problem.......), or something............ :D

I finally managed to connect to a uk server and ended up playing till the wee hours - really enjoyed it, just a shame it's such a pain in the backside to get going.

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