It's like they don't even want to sell this game on pc
How hard can it be to have some properly high res textures, change "start" to "Enter" at the opening screen, get rid of autoaim and make sure that when you change the brightness it says MONITOR not TV???? Why not use steamworks instead of gamespy? Why not have DX 11 support straight from the box? All these things are unfathomable
Seriously, they have alienated what could possibly be their biggest audience for this game in one fell swoop.
Who knows how well it will sell on consoles, it may flop, especially on PS3 as Killzone 3 has only just come out.
Total failure Crytek....seriously.
What surprises me even more is that no one from Crytek has given an official statement about it? Therefore, this is obviously what we can expect from the final release; a simple watered down console game that has graphics that only just surpass F.E.A.R 2.
I for one am only really interested in the single player game but i will just wait till it is in the bargain bins now rather than buy it on day one. To be honest, by the time it is £5-£10 i will probably be too busy playing Battlefield 3 to even care.