I managed to get in a game, and it was better than I expected. It's prettier and performs better than CODBLOPS (I know, not hard). Combat feels quite satisfying, though the FOV is dire. FPS ranged from ~70 on Gamer to ~50 on Hardcore, but there didn't seem to be much difference between the settings graphically.
I don't mind the new suit mechanics - they seemed to work well, and I loved the feeling of power-jumping from ledge to ledge.
Very unoriginal COD rip-off gameplay, but overall pleasantly surprised.
I still think it's dire that it has console references, a low FOV and non-customisable graphic settings though. Oh and the terrible lobby system - has no place in a COD-like game with dedicated servers.
The reason people's graphics cards seem to heat up in the menus is like Starcraft the menus aren't framelocked. The menu was displaying at over 1000fps on occasion!