***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Well, its a bloody sight worse!

Remember how good the nanosuit textures used to be!?

Im not defending the game or anything, I havent even been able to get on to play try the damn thing! but maybe they have left out the high res textures to keep the download size down
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Too true!

Like sometimes i've just been shot and killed an ememy, i quickly put on maximum armour to compensate for my low health yet i die instantly as if i never used it.

Rather odd, i find that when i lob on armour when i'm being shot at, i kill them before they kill me, as their energy runs out before mine does, then i disappear and cloak, rinse and repeat. The only problem with the armour setting is that it doesn't protect you from headshots, and melee is a 2 hit kill regardless of whether you're wearing armour or not.
Let's face facts, gameplay was never the crysis strong point but the GFX were, it looks like crytek have failed on both counts with C2 on the PC.
I couldn't even get into a multiplayer game last night. Had no problem logging in with the same Gamespy account I use for BF2, but I couldn't get past the lobby. It seemed to take ages for players to enter, and they left before the game even started.
Guys I don't understand one thing.

Crysis 2 is made on cryengine3 whereas Crysis1 was made on cryengine2. As cryengine3 is meant to be enhanced version with more features, why Crysis2 seems inferior. Ok forget the graphics but people have been reporting 'sluggish' gameplay. Why is that?
Guys I don't understand one thing.

Crysis 2 is made on cryengine3 whereas Crysis1 was made on cryengine2. As cryengine3 is meant to be enhanced version with more features, why Crysis2 seems inferior. Ok forget the graphics but people have been reporting 'sluggish' gameplay. Why is that?

I think thats the million dollar question.
Guys I don't understand one thing.

Crysis 2 is made on cryengine3 whereas Crysis1 was made on cryengine2. As cryengine3 is meant to be enhanced version with more features, why Crysis2 seems inferior. Ok forget the graphics but people have been reporting 'sluggish' gameplay. Why is that?

I didn't experience sluggish gameplay, it was okay when i was playing.
Seems to be a lot of hatred for Black Ops around here.
Never played it on a PC (not had a proper PC for years, new build just starting), it must be terrible!

Poke your face in the Black Ops thread then. The only people who still it play are the noobs who lack the skill to play anything but 24/7 Nuketown servers and brag about prestiging... Everyone else got bored of its performance issues or just got bored.
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