***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

Played the demo.... not impressed in the least lol.
gameplay is just a **** port of a cod clone, plus the sound didnt even work for me.

might still get the game, but would like to see a sp demo first.
"+cl_fov=90 +r_DrawNearFoV = 90 +pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 90 +r_MotionBlur=0 +g_skipIntro=1 +i_mouse_smooth=0"

Changes the game so much but unfortunatly breaks some anims and camera clips through walls in places giving an advantage if used correctly.

Edit: - I think that "Cry-Adam" is a forum moderator and not a Dev, unless he himself has said that.
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D:\crysis2demo\bin32\Crysis2Demo.exe +cl_fov=90 +r_DrawNearFoV = 90 +pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 90 +r_MotionBlur=0 +g_skipIntro=1 +i_mouse_smooth=0

Add that to your shortcut target :p

Thats not even funny how much better its made the gameplay?!
Does seem like a hastily released demo.. but I love the cloaking.. sneaking up and snapping peoples neck never gets old :)
forgive me for being nub, but i cant seem to add that bit of code to the shortcut target?- i keep getting an error message...

edit- sorted it, cool improvement, and nice to miss the gay startup
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Just played 2 games of the demo. Considering all the whinging in this thread I was expecting some sort combination of horrific visuals and awful gameplay.

Infact I find a game that looks pretty damn sweet and runs very well. Considering this is a demo that is missing features using a codebase from August last year I'm more than happy with the visuals. Anway, if the original was anything to go by the visuals will be even tastier in Single Player mode.

Don't really care too much for the lack of options for graphics, it isn't going to stop me buying the game. They've said you'll be able to use a custom config - result. At the end of the day any person who is trying to make the game look and run at the best compromise rather than pick faults is going to find a solid starting point of settings then fine tune. Yeh in an ideal world it would have the graphics options ingame but why bother? You'll all bloody whine when they have a setting that brings your pc to its knees and forums will be full of posts saying "zomfg Crysis 2 is unoptimised crap" like happened with the original :rolleyes:

The gameplay was pretty much what I expected, like with Crysis 1 MP it was a case of spray until they're dead at close range, or burst at range just like every other shooter with guns based on current tech. The suit modes work fine, being able to pull up ledges is handy and it all feels pretty fluid.

I'm looking forward to the full game :)
I'm getting around 40/50fps on my 4770 :) shows it's not optimized for DX11 doesn't it lol

I'm quite happy with the demo :) it's good fun

I'm appallingly bad at it, but it's good fun LOL, it's a whole world away from BF2 isn't it lol
Finally got into the game now that mycrysis is working :)

Was worried after the feedback in here, but I enjoyed it. Doesnt look bad at all so not sure what the problem is. Gameplay was a lot of fun, the way you can grab onto things and jump around adds a lot.

Also added the shortcut options from Neil which makes it even better, cheers :)
Wish I had fast Internet to give this a go, but from all the bad comments im not pre ordering it just incase its poo
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