*** The Division Thread 2.0 ***

Not a bad game this, only a few hours and a few missions in but it's looking good. Now I can't wait to drop a new GPU in and knock the sliders up. I'm guessing a 1070 would be able to max it at 1080p.

When i used 1070 @4K only in few places fps dropped 45ish-50ish,most settings max,bar few who dont give any visual improvement.
That would have been to easy and to cheesy TT ;)
Im quite sure it will be snow at some point

True, i agree totally. The Division world of New York in winter was truly incredible though. There's just something I love about wintry games. TD2 just made me think of I Am Legend.
Division 2 looks great, but why the **** do they always insist on using unrealistic scripted actors for multiplayer? And they're always dumb sounding millennials too. It really boils my ****.
Division 2 looks great, but why the **** do they always insist on using unrealistic scripted actors for multiplayer? And they're always dumb sounding millennials too. It really boils my ****.

I have to agree with this, that womans voice made me want to smash my screen.. they would have been better just capturing some of the dev's voice comms or whoever it was playing it, rather than that annoying scripted rubbish. Even googles new AI can do a better voice impersonation than that junk lol.

I still maintain though, all they needed to do for TD2 was add more weapons, add new skills and gadgets, add new interesting story, new missions / raids etc, new factions to kill.

What i would like to see in a TD game is being able to go up an office block / skyscraper, floor by floor wiping out enemies, with rooftop fights, maybe ziplining between them. This is kinda expanding on stuff already in TD1.

Would also like to have military bikes, quads, buggies etc available to run around on, maybe add the ability to traverse the water on the game on jet ski's or swimming etc.

Im hyped!
Division 2 looks great, but why the **** do they always insist on using unrealistic scripted actors for multiplayer? And they're always dumb sounding millennials too. It really boils my ****.

I think they do it so that it seems movie-like, or more realistic to life, trouble is that every single gamer out there knows that its nothing like the sort of chat which goes on in multiplayer. Everyone knows that any actual multiplayer game goes something like...

Player1 : Dude lets go
Player2 : One mo just need to grab a drink
Player3 : **** come on I've only got like 20mins
Player4 : Wth did you join for if you only have 20mins?
Player1 : Lets just go, come on
Player2 : Ok back, lets roll
Player3 : About goddamn time
Player4 has left the game
Player1 : He lost conn?
Player3 : Nevermind him lets just ******* go
Player2 : Wait, are we doing the hospital? I dont need to do the hospital, already done that
Player1 : I said right at the start it was the hospital
Player2 has left the game
Player3 : FFS
Player1 : Shall we get some others?
Player3 has left the game
Player1 : Guess not then.
Division 2 looks great, but why the **** do they always insist on using unrealistic scripted actors for multiplayer? And they're always dumb sounding millennials too. It really boils my ****.

I've actually had that experience playing TD hah - running Hudson challenging with 3 other players one someone I've played with a lot in game and the other two friends of his (who were very definitely of the "millennials" type) - had some foreign sounding (Northern or Eastern Europe accent) girl that thought she knew everything and calling the gameplay shot by shot - to be fair she didn't do a bad job but her understanding of the game was poor which of itself isn't a problem but was unable to take onboard when people actually knew what they were talking about. Some bloke who was I think her BF with a UK accent who was telling you everything he was doing and what is going on in game to irrelevant levels of detail and then my friend who was a bit too enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Most of the time my experience of playing with randoms is that no one talks much, complains if anyone gives them any direction saying they know how to play the game and then complain when we fail because there was no organisation hah.
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