The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Saw this in HMV today!

Its composed by Jeremy Soule, thats why.

You can buy the soundtrack on Direct Song on 4 CDs autographed by him if you order before december 23rd.

I've heard bad things about the DRM they use, which is a pity as I'd snap it up in an instant otherwise.
I've heard bad things about the DRM they use, which is a pity as I'd snap it up in an instant otherwise.

Is a 4 disk edition, it has no DRM.

My Oblivion soundtrack digital copy only had 4 activations, I used them up in a few years on hard drive / mobo upgrades!

Everytime you change your mobo or HDD, you have to reactivate the digital soundtracks, and you only get 4 activations which was pure bullcrap.

But the Skyrim soundtrack is being posted on 4 CDs, autographed by Jeremy Soule.
I wonder why that is, mine still says 11th. Which delivery method did you choose?

I do get a little bored of all the stats talk tbh, i will play the game as it comes to me, making decisions on the fly:)

Probably because I live in Ireland. Chose the standard delivery which should have been fine, normally they get it out within a day or two. I'll send them a message and see what they'll do, they normally have very decent customer support.
Controlling on a mouse and keyboard will no doubt be a bit fun, but I doubt it's going to be particularly hard. Especially if you have a mouse with a couple of Macro Keys... I'm sure it's something Beth will take into account (says hopefully).

I'm avoiding all your delivery worries and doing it like a true fan! Picking it up in person!

Going to leave the house at 11pm on the 10th (half hour cycle) and then be there for the midnight release. Hopefully be back by 1am. Installed by half 1. Play until 2. Upload some screenies and get some sleep so I'm not too tired for lectures the next day! (also is me and the Fiancee's, anniversary on the 11th - amazed she's letting me do this!)

As for the class system not being there I think it'll be really interesting. Will also be interesting to see how this affects armour use. But in my mind it could be nice having to actually swap armour etc.... At the moment in Oblivion, I just run around with Umbra, some powerful spells, and full Glass with the Max Oblivion Stone Feather enchantment. Absolutely great for anything where a killing spree is required as I can get my Weight capacity up into the 1000s with ease...

It'll be interesting to see how the levelling system works. Personally I wasn't a big fan of the whole 'Major' 'Minor' skills thing, which I think is being kept(?). Problem with it is is it almost forced you to specifically 'train' rather than being able to just run around having a laugh and levelling well... But we shall see :)

Controlling on a mouse and keyboard will no doubt be a bit fun, but I doubt it's going to be particularly hard. Especially if you have a mouse with a couple of Macro Keys... I'm sure it's something Beth will take into account (says hopefully).

action RPG best on controller? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE
I am still yet to decide whether i shall play the majotiry of the game with a controller from the sofa or at my desk with kb/m. I am leaning towards the controller on the sofa atm but my TV is only HD ready(though games still look amazing)
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