The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Im level 43 now, absolutely loving the game, but Im feeling it is on the steady decline now as so many of the quests are broken! :( Surely im not the only one

I cant heal Vladrs injuries outside a cave, as he is dead and no restoration works..

i cant return to Esbern at Sky Haven as when I do, we just enter a continous loop about Paarthurnax

The whole town of Markath is against me, meaning I cannot do any of the quests in there as a guard will come up to me for the 'crimes and murder' speech, then If I ask to go to Jail, again, it is stuck on a loop which means I cannot go to jail, cant pay so I have to fight, which means I cant win !!

Another one where I have to 'Clearout/disrupt the Skooma operation, but this was cleared out before i even did this quest - So it wont 'clear down' !

Gah. And some other Misc. quests which are shot to pieces
I'm also stuck on the windhelm murder quest. I'm on the "investigate clues" part and I can't take it any further.

Looking at this:

Blood on the Ice (MS11)

Stage Journal Entry


1 (Objective is assigned): Get assistance from Jorleif

10 Windhelm is plagued by a shadowy killer. I've been asked to help investigate the latest murder.
(Objective is assigned): Question the witnesses

20 (Objective is assigned): Report to the guard

30 (Objective is assigned): Talk to <Alias=AuthorityFigure>

40 Windhelm is plagued by a shadowy killer. I've been asked to help investigate the latest murder. Jorleif, the steward, may have advice from time to time.
(Objective is assigned): Examine the crime scene

41 (Objective is assigned): Talk to Helgird

50 (Objective is assigned): Get access to Hjerim

60(Objective is assigned): Look for clues

70 (Objective is assigned): Follow up on the clues from Hjerim

76 (Objective is assigned): Meet Viola outside of Hjerim

80 (Objective is assigned): Investigate Hjerim with Viola

90 (Objective is assigned): Talk to <Alias=AuthorityFigure>

100 (finishes quest) I discovered that Wuunferth the Unliving was the Butcher of Windhelm, and helped bring him to justice.



120 (Objective is assigned): Patrol the streets of the Stone Quarter at night

130 (Objective is assigned): Catch the murderer

150 (Objective is assigned): Talk to <Alias=AuthorityFigure>



250 (finishes quest) I discovered that Calixto Corrium was the Butcher of Windhelm, and helped bring him to justice.

I'm stuck at point 70. I followed up the clues, sold the 'strange amulet' to Calixto, but I'm stuck with "follow up the clues" and "talk to Jorleif for help" no matter where I go or who I talk to. could I use a command to skip to 76? Will this complete the previous part and move Viola to right place etc?
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Just checking, lots of people get stuck at that point. I forget the rest :p

yeah it's funny, I saw the blood and I thought "I bet I have to follow that at some point", and then the quest started lol

Think I've found the fault. When I got the amulet, I never got the map markers for Calixto or Viola, it was only by chance that I went to Calixto if I remember correctly. Think I'll try pick pocketing it back and heading over to Jorlief to ask him about it.
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Giving it a rest at the moment at about the 120hr mark. Probably should have progressed the main quest line a bit more but just getting a bit annoyed that I seem to get a random dragon encounter every time I fast travel somewhere thats not a city. Do the random dragons stop once you finish the main quest?
Giving it a rest at the moment at about the 120hr mark. Probably should have progressed the main quest line a bit more but just getting a bit annoyed that I seem to get a random dragon encounter every time I fast travel somewhere thats not a city. Do the random dragons stop once you finish the main quest?

Scary when you realise 120 hours is 5 whole days ;)
Giving it a rest at the moment at about the 120hr mark. Probably should have progressed the main quest line a bit more but just getting a bit annoyed that I seem to get a random dragon encounter every time I fast travel somewhere thats not a city. Do the random dragons stop once you finish the main quest?

nope :D
I just finished a quest called Taste of Death. Should I have followed it through to the end or was I right in doing what I did?
First part was meeting Eola, (a female cannibal who I met in the hall of the dead in Markath and who worships Namira), at Reachcliff Cave. Second part was clearing out Reachcliff Cave as a task given to me by her. After killing all the draugr, Eola gave me a 100 gold then wanted me to convince Priest Verulus from Markath to follow me so that Eola could feast on him. I knew she had a nasty plan and I decided to kill Eola. Consequently the Taste of Death quest failed. Did I do the right thing? Under the quest title it says 'I killed Eola. Whatever she could have offered me was lost when she died'.

edit: I re-did it. I feel dirty but it was worth it.

Also, where's a good place to sell stuff and get good prices? I have a thieves guild hood which will give me 10% better prices, so that'll certainly help.
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I just finished a quest called Taste of Death. Should I have followed it through to the end or was I right in doing what I did?
First part was meeting Eola, (a female cannibal who I met in the hall of the dead in Markath and who worships Namira), at Reachcliff Cave. Second part was clearing out Reachcliff Cave as a task given to me by her. After killing all the draugr, Eola gave me a 100 gold then wanted me to convince Priest Verulus from Markath to follow me so that Eola could feast on him. I knew she had a nasty plan and I decided to kill Eola. Consequently the Taste of Death quest failed. Did I do the right thing? Under the quest title it says 'I killed Eola. Whatever she could have offered me was lost when she died'.

Also, where's a good place to sell stuff and get good prices? I have a thieves guild hood which will give me 10% better prices, so that'll certainly help.

If you follow the quest to the end you become a cannibal yourself, the ring of namira grants you the abilty to feed on dead bodies which gives you a slight health and I think stamina boost.
Just glitched my way to 100 speach (mainly because I need a way to sell my enchanted weapons). Pretty glad I did it, I'm 100 hours into the game and after how long it took I can say for sure there's no way I'd have got there during the normal course of play.
Really enjoying this at the moment. Level 11 and I now have my own house. :D

I'm getting a bit annoyed at not being able to use the mouse while the Xbox360 pad is plugged in though - I'd like to be able to switch between the two. :(

Pad is definitely the most pleasant way to play this game.. kick back and relax instead of being hunched over the keyboard. I just miss my accurate aim (although it seems that headshots make no difference anyhow as they dumbed the whole thing down).

Also, any way to see what current effects you have active? The UI is a bit less useful than in Morrowind/Oblivion...
Right I spent 1k gold on a horse at the stable in Whiterun (sick of taking ages to get anywhere!) and I did the dragonshout thingy at the top of the mountain but got duffed up by the frost troll on the way a few times which scared my horse who promptly ran off. Is there anything I can do to get it back or is that 1k gold down the tubes? :(
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