The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Evilsod . I have virtually no perks in either armour type (or block), which I guess prevents me from getting the most out of the smithing, but in this game there are such a lack of real bosses and formidable enemies, I preferred to focus on offensive skills than defensive.
Whether I am sneaking (which I didnt start doing until mid-30s) or just running through a dungeon within a sword, everything just dies in a couple of hits, "bosses" included.. so there hardly a need for any defensive skills. Hence I use light armour and accessories that add to lockpick/sneak/bow and thats about it most of the time. In earlier levels I focussed on health/fire & frost protection and melee skill buffing heavy Armour.

If you want to try Giants and Mammoths at 20 or something, you will of course need to be fully decked out on the defensive side or they will one-hit you. IN fact, they probably would anyway :)
Well yes, but thats what happens on Adept, once your damage catches up to the enemies health boost and goes well beyond it. On my melee focused character I'm using a Skyforge Steel Sword (Flawless) @ 41 damage with 3/5 one-handed and even on Master I can kill the easier Bandits in a few hits. Bandit Outlaws don't last that long either but Plunderers and Chiefs still do and archers still hit annoyingly hard.
Maybe there will come a point even on Master where my damage is high enough that single enemies won't pose a significant threat but I'd still much rather have my armour at the cap (currently at 304) for fighting multiple enemies and boss-like foes. I've been avoiding creatures because they deal stupid damage and the only genuinely impossible NPC fight I've had was the boss of Volunruud.

As for my sneak ranger... he does ~140 a shot with a Glass Bow (Legendary) and 5/5 and around 60% more with my best marksmanship poition and triple that in a sneak attack. If I'm in combat I have 15s Paralysis poisons, Lingering Damage Health poisons for 150 damage over 10 seconds and Damage Health around 80 with charges, not to mention I've enchanted a basic Glass Bow with a 2 second Paralysis. He has no need for defensive skills since I can churn out ~100 point healing potions like they were nothing or just avoid hits all together by paralysing the enemy.

Decided to look into a cooking mod anyway. That looks like a good one. Adds a load more food that gives minor skill buffs (so long as you have a perk in the tree), better regen/restore foods with longer durations, etc. I'll try it out later.
If you want to try Giants and Mammoths at 20 or something, you will of course need to be fully decked out on the defensive side or they will one-hit you. IN fact, they probably would anyway :)

I had a "Kill the Giant" quest and had no chance, but managed to jump off a ldege on to a rock where he couldn't get me so just kept spamming lightning bolts at him and using summons :p
Does anybody else really regret choosing light armour? It seems to offer no advantages late in the game

Light Armour is the way to go once you can improve them reasonably well, Lydia is now decked out in the DB armour and i don't have to worry about her alerting nearby enemies so much any more.

I'm now 5/5 on the light armour tree and can pretty much tank anything wearing the epic level Nightingale Armour.
Lydia made me laugh when I pointed at a bed and told her to sleep. I just got back "Not for you, not for anyone".

Denied :( :D
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Lydia made me laugh when I pointed at a bed and told her to sleep. I just got back "Not for you, not for anyone".

Denied :( :D

Nice :p Wonder how it works with married partners ;)

According to the wiki Lydia is part of the faction that allows you to marry them but there isn't actually any way of doing in-game.
Nice :p Wonder how it works with married partners ;)

According to the wiki Lydia is part of the faction that allows you to marry them but there isn't actually any way of doing in-game.

Ah I read the opposite. You can use a console command to add her to the faction enabled the speech convo. I was talking to a blacksmith windhelm, and the speech option "why, are you interested in me?" appeared. I swiftly pressed tab to exit the convo, and fast travelled to the opposite side of the map.

OK not that extreme, but If I'm marrying anyone in game, it will be some fit, busty maid, not a filthy old codger who makes swords :D
Ah I read the opposite. You can use a console command to add her to the faction enabled the speech convo. I was talking to a blacksmith windhelm, and the speech option "why, are you interested in me?" appeared. I swiftly pressed tab to exit the convo, and fast travelled to the opposite side of the map.

OK not that extreme, but If I'm marrying anyone in game, it will be some fit, busty maid, not a filthy old codger who makes swords :D

Ah seems the page has changed since I last looked, now reads:

Although Lydia is in the PotentialMarriageFaction, she must be added to that faction manually with a console command addfac 19809 1 in order to enable the marriage dialog.

However this bug has me concerned:

At least when Lydia is married, she gets another hidden bow each time she is dismissed and they are not limited by her carrying capacity. After a number of dismissals she may be unable to receive any items from the player due to they being "too heavy to carry". It may be fixed by taking any valuable items from her, then picking her with the console open and typing a command removeallitems.

Had a quick look in-game at that Cooking mod. Looks very good. I can make myself a food item that increases my one-handed damage by 5% and slightly boosts stamina regen for a long duration, or boost block absorption by 30% for a long duration. Plus theres a huge range of new Restore items ranging from Fried Eggs or Mashed Potato which do very little to more advanced ones that restore 100 points or boost regen 300% but require another food recipe and things like Flour and Sugar.
Every time I start skyrim it crashes, it crashes in the video options even before the game has even loaded. Does anyone have any tips?

I have tried reinstalling the game and verifying the cache so I am unsure on what to do. The Nvidia drivers I am using are: 285.62 WHQL

My Specs:
750i Asus Motherboard
e8500 3.2 dual core
4gigs of ram
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Every time I start skyrim it crashes, it crashes in the video options even before the game has even loaded. Does anyone have any tips?

Could be the onboard sound, had the exact same problem. Had settings on 24 bit 192000hz Studio quality and game would just not load, knocked that down to cd quality and it was fine.
I wish they'd show the hidden items on companions so I can figure out whether or not it's worth giving them something different.... :/
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