The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Well ... then again the AI could be better ....

If an Atronach Breton player comes along, draw a weapon out instead of casting spells and pwn him with a greatsword or something? :p

But then that would make atronach and bretons completely useless, and I love my uber spell immunities :)

Its funny that the loading screen for bretons still says that 'Bretons have 50% resistance to magic', damn would that be so broken like it was in morrowind and oblivion.

The problem is that in Skyrim, Atronach no longer completely removes magicka regeneration, it just slows it by 50%, for which you get +50 Magicka, and +50% spell absorption ..... I think bethesda take large doses of crack when they sit around a table to balance this game.

50% spell resistance for Bretons is too powerful, but Atronach and Dragonskin are fine? :D
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He's a pure mage with no other attacks and you've stacked magic/shock resist, its hardly surprising you found him quite easy even on Master ><
Going in there completely unprepared for Morokei the first time is an absolute nightmare no matter what difficulty you choose, but I wouldn't go within 5 miles of the place without a ton of magic/shock resist so he can't just 1 shot me.

I had fun with Krosis. He was dead set on blowing Lydia up with Fireballs so I just chased him around, occasionally hit him with Fus to stumble him, spamming dual cast Flames and occasionally using Heal Other on Lydia. Admittedly the normal cause of death for Lydia is me being 'slightly' overzealous with dual cast Fireballs (using Balanced Magic + Adept optional so dual casting a waste of magicka and the Fireballs hit for about 140) and I can kill her in 2 or 3 casts :p

I find archers the biggest pita on mage. Even with Ironflesh giving me 200 armour on Master the stronger ones tend to either 1 shot me or seriously wound me. Warriors tend to get sent flying with a FusRoDah the moment they get too close and only the strongest ever make it back to there feet.
Going in there completely unprepared for Morokei the first time is an absolute nightmare no matter what difficulty you choose

No, my first time:

And I didnt use any shock resistance, I just had the potions pre purchased just in case :)

I only did it again on master because of all the Skyrim nubs thinking I must have been cheating in that video.

You simply play a Breton. It requires no more thought than making a Breton. Oh, and having a resist magic equip and perks from alteration, that to me seemed to be the top priority to have on my Breton :D

I didnt even know about the Mara's Agent, or Atronach stone the first time either, it was still easy peasy. The second time was easier on Master.

Archers are super hard, but I've installed a few of workshop mods that help:

- Longer duration mage armor spells (increases base duration from 60 to 300 seconds, dual casting them fully perked up causes them to last 16 mins)
- Free ward spells (ward spell mana costs reduced to 1, 2, and 3 for each ward)
- Morokei armor rating removed (the mask now counts as unarmored so you fully gain mage armor perk bonuses with it equipped).

And then I can successfully play an armorless mage :D

I found that the best defense early on against physical enemies is to have a tank companion. Later you get an alteration spell that reduces physical damage by 80%.
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First time I fought Morokei was without any knowledge of him at all on Expert and he was the first super-powered spellcaster I had encountered. With my Breton and base health of 100 he would 1 shot me with a lightning spell if I wasn't using a resist shock potion. Reducing that to barely 15% damage shows a 'slight' level of preparation for the fight that you obviously knew was coming, stocked up with buffs designed to trivialise it. What are you trying to prove other than that Morokei is easy if you have max magic resistance?

And isn't that free ward spells mod practically the same as cheating...? Especially combined with the ward absorb perk.
Not if I never use wards and will already have 80% permanent spell absorption anyway :p

What are you trying to prove other than that Morokei is easy if you have max magic resistance?

I didnt have max, first time I had breton 25%, 10% perk, and an equip. Second time for masters I had 75% with a potion, though the maximum is actually 85% .

The thing is that spell resistance is very important in TES. Since early on in Oblivion I have prioritized getting as much of it as I can. I also raise my HP first to at least 150 for the first 5 levels before increasing Magicka, I wouldnt want to only have 100 base health, that makes everything too hard.
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Breton (25%), Magic Res from Alteration (30%), Lord Stone (25%), Agent of Mara (15%) = 95%.

Then if you play a 1h Tank, it's fairly easy to ward off Melee as well. Using Shield of Ysgramor for now until Alteration levels up a bit. Dragons are already trivial at level 17.

Is Magic Res cap 85%? Is that new?
Magic res cap is 85% since the start of the game, any additional doesnt count.

Absorption will go all the way up to 100% though, and is far too easy to reach and the drawbacks of the Atronach stone are minimal (50% reduced magicka regen is nothing to cry over gaining 50% absorption and 50 magicka).

Lord stone is not as good Atronach, 50% absorption beats 25% resistance always.

With Absorption, you can do this on any race:

Atronach stone - 50%
Atronach perk - 30% (requires 100 alteration though)
Become a vampire
Necromage (+25% of 80 absorption = +20 absorption).

Permanent 100% magic absorption. I'm going to try a half elf vampire sometime in a future game.
Nah they capped everything around there. Think physical damage was 80% and elemental/magic are all 85% as said.

I think Dragons don't really improve early on which is why they're so easy. First 20 levels or so you tend to find the really weak dragons and once you figure out that Lesser Ward can completely block the breath attack its just a matter of keeping your distance (or letting Lydia soak up melee attacks) while you pound it with the opposite spell element to its breath. I have more trouble with Draugr Scourge than I do Dragons.

I should probably get on with the College quest line on my new mage anyway. I'm mostly just collecting Words of Power atm and looting dungeons to pay for Destruction training (cost 10k just to train 5 levels at lv53...). Also started spamming random enchantments on everything so I keep going to the shop loaded with Boots of Sneaking and Absorb Health weapons.
Well... Morokei was easy :/ I hadnt read up on him, i didnt even realise he was in Labyrinthian. Two Fire Breath shouts and just wailing on him with 1h Elven Sword. No enchants, no healing, no poisons... eesh.
The undead dragon room was harder, and all the blue spirit ghosts alone on master difficulty, damn rage inducing difficult.

Then you get to any casters, armed to the teeth with spell resistance / absorption, and its like playing on handicapped mode :D
I had way more trouble with the Chaurus lizard things in the Dwarven Ruin place before. Mfroitz or whatever it was. 2 of those and a Daugr were destroying me, had to reload a bunch of times.

Werewolf didnt struggle with them in the end, though. i always forget i have that.
I cant find any useful information about enchanting.

What should i be using on my 1h? I had a mace with a bonus shock damage, but it depletes so fast. I also have Azuras Star, but i dont understand what to actually do with it... like, what buttons do i lterally have to press to make it do something, or to aplpy it to a weapon?
Now heres the thing with Skyrim, after completing the mages guild and jorvaskar quest lines, I'm bored again and cant find anything else I'd like to do.
What should i be using on my 1h?
Absorb Health or Paralyse if you do a lot of melee. Soul Trap if you are too lazy to change weapons or cast Soul Trap.

I had a mace with a bonus shock damage, but it depletes so fast.
Level your enchanting and add more charges to weapons.

I also have Azuras Star, but i dont understand what to actually do with it... like, what buttons do i lterally have to press to make it do something, or to apply it to a weapon?
You fill up Soul Gems by killing enemies while they're afflicted with the Soul Trap spell.

White gems only contain 'beast' souls. Azura's Star is white gem that can be re-used indefinitely.
Black gems can hold Human souls. The Black Star is a black gem that can be re-used indefinitely.

How to:
Find an enemy.
Beat them to low health.
Cast Soul Trap.
Kill them with the Soul Trap glow still visible. (or kill them using a weapon enchanted with Soul Trap)
Your Black Star/Azura's Star/Soul Gem is now full.
Select your weapon.
Select Charge.
Choose Your Black Star/Azura's Star/Soul Gem.
Re-charge your weapon.
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