Well ... then again the AI could be better ....
If an Atronach Breton player comes along, draw a weapon out instead of casting spells and pwn him with a greatsword or something?
But then that would make atronach and bretons completely useless, and I love my uber spell immunities
Its funny that the loading screen for bretons still says that 'Bretons have 50% resistance to magic', damn would that be so broken like it was in morrowind and oblivion.
The problem is that in Skyrim, Atronach no longer completely removes magicka regeneration, it just slows it by 50%, for which you get +50 Magicka, and +50% spell absorption ..... I think bethesda take large doses of crack when they sit around a table to balance this game.
50% spell resistance for Bretons is too powerful, but Atronach and Dragonskin are fine?
If an Atronach Breton player comes along, draw a weapon out instead of casting spells and pwn him with a greatsword or something?

But then that would make atronach and bretons completely useless, and I love my uber spell immunities

Its funny that the loading screen for bretons still says that 'Bretons have 50% resistance to magic', damn would that be so broken like it was in morrowind and oblivion.
The problem is that in Skyrim, Atronach no longer completely removes magicka regeneration, it just slows it by 50%, for which you get +50 Magicka, and +50% spell absorption ..... I think bethesda take large doses of crack when they sit around a table to balance this game.
50% spell resistance for Bretons is too powerful, but Atronach and Dragonskin are fine?

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