The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced


J'zargo is getting pretty badass, his equipment gives him +90 magicka at the moment, so he can cast more spells before he charges into combat and fights hand to hand :).
Liking the game so far, but really hating the menus. Even with SkyUI and tweaking the .ini settings the in-game menu feels more like a spreadsheet and the mouse movement is driving me bloody nuts!
I hope we can play the DLC as a new character.... I alwats play melee and yet again have done so in skyrim.

I want to play as a mage, but dont want to start the game from the beginning.
This game is really good but also a bit of a let down.

Biggest let down for me, is the axe I found way back at the beginning of the game 'wuuthrad' is the axe im still using near the end.

I have found nothing better, not even marginally close.

Am I meant to forge better weapons?

Of course its base damage is up to 96 now, but the point is I have not found a single axe (or any other melle weapon for that) that comes close.
Guys, anyone know of any mods to show both weapons when they are sheathed? Having my char pull out 2 daggers from one holster is driving me nuts lol

secondly, if I were to get this armor (link) at level 12, when I am 35, will the bonus's be the same or will they increase?

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Hi all. I'm getting back into this, I've joined the Imperials and done a couple of quests but I understand there is a chance to switch allegiance to the Stormcloaks on my next quest. Who did everyone else go with?
I haven't taken the plunge yet! In fact, I haven't even been up to Hrothgar to see those dudes about me being a dragondude. I'm level 24 I think.
I have played a lot since release. Had a few level 50+ characters. I haven't done any of the Civil war quests yet though. I will almost certainly join the Imperials when I do though
This game is really good but also a bit of a let down.

Biggest let down for me, is the axe I found way back at the beginning of the game 'wuuthrad' is the axe im still using near the end.

I have found nothing better, not even marginally close.

Am I meant to forge better weapons?

Of course its base damage is up to 96 now, but the point is I have not found a single axe (or any other melle weapon for that) that comes close.

That weapon is pants iirc, haven't you found the Mace of Molag Bal??
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