I hope we can play the DLC as a new character.... I alwats play melee and yet again have done so in skyrim.
I want to play as a mage, but dont want to start the game from the beginning.
This game is really good but also a bit of a let down.
Biggest let down for me, is the axe I found way back at the beginning of the game 'wuuthrad' is the axe im still using near the end.
I have found nothing better, not even marginally close.
Am I meant to forge better weapons?
Of course its base damage is up to 96 now, but the point is I have not found a single axe (or any other melle weapon for that) that comes close.
Arrr didn't know that you could switch! I must have missed that.
I went with the Imperials.
That weapon is pants iirc, haven't you found the Mace of Molag Bal??