The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

Try using a different play style this time as it helped me massively. I was the same as you but now I've logged over 50 hours in the past month! I really didn't enjoy sword and shield so tried archery and sneak this time and enjoyed it a lot more :).

I've put 90 hours in 3 1/2 weeks or so. yikes!
Try using a different play style this time as it helped me massively. I was the same as you but now I've logged over 50 hours in the past month! I really didn't enjoy sword and shield so tried archery and sneak this time and enjoyed it a lot more :).

If you didn't enjoy sword and shield, try the mod Ultimate Combat. It is excellent. It adds things like timed blocking, and some new moves that opponents use such as dodging your attacks and power-bashing you more. It also massively improves enemy AI. It is all configurable through mcm, and greatly improved the game. I love the sword and shield style, but I prefer 2-handed tbh... With archery as well obviously.
Try using a different play style this time as it helped me massively. I was the same as you but now I've logged over 50 hours in the past month! I really didn't enjoy sword and shield so tried archery and sneak this time and enjoyed it a lot more :).

It was a while ago since I last played but I found Sword and Shield combat to be quite good fun, just only against humanoids. Wild Animals are horrifically overpowered as far as melee combat goes, you just don't stand a chance. You could have some awesome fights in close combat with Draugr or Bandits but the moment a Mountain Lion or something turns up prepare to get disembowled immediately...

Magic really needs mods. The vanilla magic system is extremely one dimensional. Regeneration is too slow and Destruction Magic basically boils down to all high damage spells being too weak and too expensive so you're best bet was to spam out doublecast Firebolts for the stun chance which gets old very fast.
I restarted Skyrim recently and went all out magic. However I lapsed (around level 25) into my tried and trusted sneak and archery type character.

Thanks to that mod link ealrier in the thread I now have 10 new mods bveing downloaded waiting to be tested :)
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I played more of Dragonborn. Really good expansion, I am enjoying it. The only thing I am ever so slightly disappointed in is the actual environment... Especially as you can see Morrowind in the distance! It would have been nice to be able to explore Morrowind. The area at the south east corner gives you a bit of the feeling, but otherwise it is basically the same as Skyrim.
Nah, level 100 Sneak, archery and 110+ smithing with a stupidly powerful bow is easy. Fun though :D

I think we just play games in different ways tbh... I don't in anyway grind for levels, or go out of my way to level a skill... In fact, I can honestly say that I do not now which skill I am going to level until I open the level-up menu and go through them all:p
I think we just play games in different ways tbh... I don't in anyway grind for levels, or go out of my way to level a skill... In fact, I can honestly say that I do not now which skill I am going to level until I open the level-up menu and go through them all:p

Nah I don't grind as in smith loads of iron daggers. I just had fun levelling the skills I use a lot. Being a sneak theif, it's not long before you level up pickpocket, sneak and archery. I was very weak so relied a lot on potions and enchanted items to resist magic etc. That naturally levels those skills. Sneak, Pickpocket and Archery are now 100+, but that's in 92 hours. Smithing is about 115 but that's because I've improved and smithed items for followers also. Then I've built the biggest house you can in Hearthfire, so mining all those iron ingots and clay, then making nails, iron fittings and locks etc adds up all the skill points :) A lot of the fun in skyrim is the escapism. I like walking through scenery and getting good screens.
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I am level 32 atm, 64 hours in(probably over about 3 months!... I definitely started before christmas) . Here is what I have done and what I have planned, in order:

Main questline
Half of companions(have a mod which spaces the missions out, so you have to do more random ones before you advance... Will take a long time to complete it!)
Built a house
Probably about half of Dragonborn.
Various misc quests, not many actually.


Finish Dragonborn
Visit Markarth and Dawnstar! (not been to either yet)
Do a few daedric quests(not done any)
Maybe Civil War Quest line, though I don't particularly care about it tbh
Finish companions
Possibly join the thieves guild
Dawnguard(set it to start at level 60)

Gonna save the dark Brotherhood, Mages, and maybe the thieves for a sneaky Dummer character probably(though my current character can Sneak!). Using 'Timing is Everything' you can make sure you aren't bombarded with quests every 5 seconds, and it makes it much better imo.
The only thing I am ever so slightly disappointed in is the actual environment... Especially as you can see Morrowind in the distance! It would have been nice to be able to explore Morrowind.
Have you tried the awesome SkyWind mod?
It's basically Morrowind with the Skyrim engine. Very well made. You can wander over there with your current character but as it starts like the original morrowind you'll be too powerful. It's better to start a new game in morrowind.
There's still lots of bits missing (it's only an alpha or beta build) but there's enough to play properly :)
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