The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

yeah dx11 is good, but not necesarry :P
not much that to public would need to know regarding the merge as it is stillbeing fixed up (we're tired of waiting- and the time it takes to do it too :o), although theres some pretty cool news regarding heightmaps and a new tileset coming soon :) not too long though, so hopefulyl we can have it out the same time time as skyrim if none of us have anything drastic coming up.

that's only two weeks :D
Tesco are shipping for release day delivery also. I went with them because I had a discount voucher, so hopefully they pull through :D
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Some good new footage there, I'm careful not to watch too much as it can ruin your experience if you know what to expect to an extent, the biggest dissapointment to me is I found out how the dark brotherhood finds you this time round by reading a preview.
Some good new footage there, I'm careful not to watch too much as it can ruin your experience if you know what to expect to an extent, the biggest dissapointment to me is I found out how the dark brotherhood finds you this time round by reading a preview.

Damn... the Dark Brotherhood find you? :eek:
Every Dev so far that ive seen, do a playthrough or whatever, has said it will look much better on the PC version, but I agree that the lack of PC footage is, at the very least, odd.

It might be because they dont want to show off PC footage when they know that lots of people will be buying this on console, or maybe its because of the big variation in the way it could run on PC due to setup and so on.

I dont realistically think it will look or run any worse than the 360 version thats so far been displayed, the only question is whether to wait for the inevitable one or two bugs to be found and ironed out or to play it immediately and hope that the key NPC fo your quest hasnt merged with a rock due to some kind of glitch, or been eaten by a dragon or mutant chicken and so on.
Apparently not but a lot of the shots we have seen have been very well antialiased if they are console pics, as I doubt the consoles would hack it with much AA on.

Bit concerning though I agree.
I'm just hoping they have been told to protect xbox sales by only showing xbox footage. Based on the few PC screenshots they have released - if I was a console gamer I'd certainly think twice about getting the xbox version if they were showing nothing but PC footage.

Not too long to wait now though, damn I'm looing forward to this game!
Like I said previously, 360 purchase for my self, and for such an old tech, they have managed to make the game look stunning!

Wish I could play it on PC though :(

Anyway, I simply cannot wait any longer!

And as for the dark brotherhood, first thing I am doing, find an inn... Kill someone... Sleep on it :D

Hope that's how they contact you like in Oblivion.

my take on the pc/360 screenshot is that they aren't showing pc shots because people will see them as the standard what the game should look like, and then when they get it on xbox they will be disappointed.

i don't think it's anything to do with people thinking as they're only showing pc that means 360 is rubbish so lets not get on xbox as those type of people imo will less likely even think is this xbox/pc/ps3 screenshot, but just this is what it will look like.

what we've seen so far is fine. if that what it looks like on pc too that's fine it'll be nice enough and nicer with mods if people really need it to look liker, which will be the case any way even if pc still looks stunning out of the box.
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