The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

I've tried to play all the way through on Master difficulty but it get a little too hard.

Especially when I have to face 2 Draugr Deathlords and 1 Dragur Scourge at the same time without Lydia or a companion. :\

I think it's best to work up to it. At least, that's what I did. I was on apprentice or adept for quite a while, then tried expert when I thought I had pretty decent weapons and armour plus had increased my attributes of health, stamina or magicka when levelling up. I pretty much alternated each of those with each level up so that I didn't have loads of stamina but little health. Then when I'd improved gear futher and levelled some more, I tried master.

A challenge is important but I think personally you have to balance the right strength of armour, and weapons/spells/stamina/magicka/health (depending on what skills you're focusing on) with the difficulty level, so that it's challenging but not so hard it makes you feel like giving up. But if you're trying to slay dragons, make giants cry or extinguish the lights in draugrs eyes on master difficulty and you have 40 or 50 damage iron toothpicks, low stamina/magicka/health attributes and weak armour, it's going to be quite tough.
hope some one can help, im lvl 130 on conjuration, got the up capped mods, got the twin souls perk and the other 2 needed for twin souls, but i cant have 2 atronachs, as soon as i cast my second one the first dies is this a bugged game? anyone else had this?
oh havnt tried this will give it a go tonite

Twin Souls Conjuration 100, Elemental Potency, Dark Souls You can have two atronachs, reanimated zombies or dremora lords

from the wiki
Just got my mage to L32 - currently playing on expert - think I may up it to master difficulty.

Got my enchanting & smithy both to 100 - then put magic resist & -destruction spell cost on a legendary glass armour set & light armour/restoration on neck/rings.

Now I can free-cast destruction spells, & almost immune to magic - but one thing that's odd.

I'm a breton (25% magic resist & have 4 items all with 20%+ magic resist, but I still take damage from some spells, is this a known bug, or is it due to me having over 100% resistance?.
I'm a breton (25% magic resist & have 4 items all with 20%+ magic resist, but I still take damage from some spells, is this a known bug, or is it due to me having over 100% resistance?.

I know there was a bug where skills/resistances going over 100 were bugged and would reset, for example if you had a sneak of 95 and a ring with sneak+10 then it would count as a sneak of 5. I am not sure if it is still present though as I haven't played a high enough level for a while. In fact I am pretty sure it was patched, are you up to date?
I know there was a bug where skills/resistances going over 100 were bugged and would reset, for example if you had a sneak of 95 and a ring with sneak+10 then it would count as a sneak of 5. I am not sure if it is still present though as I haven't played a high enough level for a while. In fact I am pretty sure it was patched, are you up to date?
Yeah, fully updated on steam.

I'll have to test it out,

I am right in assuming that with 100% magic resist I should receive no damage from mobs?, or is it not additive? is it 25 + 25 = 50, or 25% + 25% (of the 75%) = 43.75% etc

This game is great but too big.... I find my self gettig over whelmed with it, when I try to play it.

As a casual gamer who trys to squeeze many different games into a busy RL i completely identify with this :(

I should perhaps try to finish all the games i start, I think I only finished 3 games last year (bastion, dead space 2 and space marine)
As a casual gamer who trys to squeeze many different games into a busy RL i completely identify with this :(

I should perhaps try to finish all the games i start, I think I only finished 3 games last year (bastion, dead space 2 and space marine)
While the game is very big, I think they do a pretty good job at taking the player through.

Morrow-wind was far less casual friendly, I think they have reached a sweet spot in which new players can enjoy it, but the content isn't watered down.

Personally, I'm hoping they up the complexity for elder scrolls 6 when it comes :).
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