The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

I'm installing the Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized. Hybrid + Vanilla maps as suggested.

I'm on the step where it's asking me this:

Not sure which would be the way to go with it? 5850 1GB.

Another thing I notice aswell, when I walk forward on some textures I can see flickering and shadows on walls will sometimes have a sort of strobe effect.

Any fix for this?
I think this is the .ini tweak to fix the shadows:

In the [Display] secion of Skyrim.ini:

Cheers, that seems to have helped. :)

Still can't figure out if I should put secondary stuff on High Res and section 3 is whichever box I tick it'll install 'vanilla' textures for those. Best to install vanilla textures with 1GB VRAM?

How can I be fully sure the texture pack I installed is working?

It is ticked in the nexus mod manager and their was nothing for me to disable in the launcher anyway so I assume it should all be in place?

A suggestion for your list Krugga, probably under sound- Silent Killer. Removes the really annoying sound when you do a sneak attack.(bizarre design decision imo)

Hardly essential, but I imagine many people would be interested in it, and I can't imagine anyone not wanting to do this tbh. All it does is replace the sound file with a silent one. I am appreciating it now on my sneaky archer playtyhrough. It is definitely a game-improving change
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I have the Optimized Bethesda High Res DLC pack installed, would I be ok installing the high res furniture mod or would it conflict?

You can install whatever mod you wish on top of it, just make sure to sort out the load order as some mods will overwrite one another. If it's loose files then it's pretty obvious what overwrites what.

UPDATED OP... If it needs changing i'll do it tomorrow :)

It does, indeed. Nice to see it in the OP anyway, certainly easier to find for peeps looking for a simple guide.

It's unfinished and doesn't list half the mods I meant to include there, though. Might actually get around updating it tonight.
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I'm not sure how to figure out the load order stuff. Should the Bethesda DLC Pack be at the bottom of the list and then the furniture mod above it?

A suggestion for your list Krugga, probably under sound- Silent Killer. Removes the really annoying sound when you do a sneak attack.(bizarre design decision imo)

Hardly essential, but I imagine many people would be interested in it, and I can't imagine anyone not wanting to do this tbh. All it does is replace the sound file with a silent one. I am appreciating it now on my sneaky archer playtyhrough. It is definitely a game-improving change

I have added this mod to my sounds collection, certainly an improvement over the vanilla game. :)
Here are a few shots showing off some mods-

Apart form texture mods:

CoverKhajit- improves Khajit characters
Realistic Lighting- for lighting
Cloaks of Skyrim
Better Followers- for Lydia riding a horse, plus being able to change her armour/appearance
Whiterun Market- adds a market to the Whiterun outskirts
Lanterns of Skyrim- adds lanterns around the world, very handy if you have darker nights!
Tbh at first as I was really against modding as I thought it'd ruin the game, but once I started modding I got kind of addicted. :p

Some really fantastic mods out their, Realistic Lighting was amazing and I was blown away by how much difference it made to the environment of Skyrim.

I got the cloak mod a couple of days ago also, small but effective!

I'm going to take a look at the Whiterun market and Lantern mod now. :D
Something to keep in mind- A mod which adds something to the game is very unlikely to cause problems, but a mod which alters something is much more likely to conflict(though still unlikely to cause a serious issue). So basically, mods like Whiterun market and lanterns are very unlikely to conflict with anything, as they just add things. The worst conflicts you will get are 2 items in the same place, like a tree coming out of a building for example, this will not crash the game or anything though, it will just look weird.
here my skyrim currently around 50+ mods.

i think it looks great not seenm many screenshots close. see what you think.

if you want the mods ill post a screenshot of my nexus MM & can upload my modfied .ini's [this after about 14 hours of trying mods for the right look]

Smogsy Skyrim
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