The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Looks great. Are you using an ENB?

Oh and .....Sexy Whiterun......not for me:p.


HQ milky Way Galaxy
Enhanced Night Sky
Saturn moon replacer(looks much better when it is nearer and clearer)

This game looks much better in play than in screenshots!
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this is using 570GTX 2.5GB SLI running at 60-80fps
Nvidia Drivers
SSAO - Quality
Texture Filtering = high

Also Modfied in .ini's
Extra tree branches
Extra Viewing distance
Radius of HQ textures
High Quality Shadows
more grass

& many others.

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I really didn't like the Sexy town mods tbh. They just seem out of place. I am using Beautiful Whiterun, Beautiful Riften and Better Villages, with all others untouched.

Somehow, I have had no ctds(but I do still get that artifacting occasionally)
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I really didn't like the Sexy town mods tbh. They just seem out of place. I am using Beautiful Whiterun, Beautiful Riften and Better Villages, with all others untouched.

Somehow, I have had no ctds(but I do still get that artifacting occasionally)

got bored of the horrid brown colour thats all. :)
Wtf are the sexy towns ><

And thats a lot of graphics mods.

A lot?

I've always got around 100-200 mods installed at any time. :D

And I hate the look of Skyrim with all these "sexy" mods and anime porn outfits turning Skyrim into another jRPG with a passion.


You should really check out A Better Whiterun - City Under Construction.

Adds so much atmosphere into the city. You'd need to remove Beautiful Whiterun though.
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I did use that Whiterun mod, and I really liked the new feel of the town, it really feels like a proper market town with that installed. However, there was some reason that I can't quite remember now that I disabled it...I think possibly it killed my FPS. I think I will revisit it though to see if it has improved. Also, when I used it there were no interiors, and he said that he was working on it, so hopefully it will be greatly improved in the near future.

Anyone using Travellers of Skyrim? Adds loads of Mercenaries and merchants who travel from Inn to Inn, including the out-of-the-way ones. They all trade, can be hired and improve the atmosphere of Inns greatly
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I did use that Whiterun mod, and I really liked the new feel of the town, it really feels like a proper market town with that installed. However, there was some reason that I can't quite remember now that I disabled it...I think possibly it killed my FPS. I think I will revisit it though to see if it has improved. Also, when I used it there were no interiors, and he said that he was working on it, so hopefully it will be greatly improved in the near future.

I've heard this mod can have a pretty big impact on fps, fortunately I don't really need any more than 45 fps average in towns to please me. :)

Haven't noticed any fps drops anyway.

Anyone using Travellers of Skyrim? Adds loads of Mercenaries and merchants who travel from Inn to Inn, including the out-of-the-way ones. They all trade, can be hired and improve the atmosphere of Inns greatly

Thanks, I love mods that add a little variation to the game.

Economics of Skyrim is a mod that I'm looking forward to the most now, Skyrim Trade Guild was very promising but is no longer in development.
I just encountered my first bug in this playthrough, but apparently it is a vanilla bug and it has a really easy fix-
I retrieved the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller, or rather the note to meet Delphine in the Sleeping Giant Inn, but Delphine was not in the Inn, she was still at Dragonsreach and would not speak to me. Annoying! .... I expected to have to use the console, but all you have to do is sit in a chair in the Inn and she comes in and talks to you...phew!
And I hate the look of Skyrim with all these "sexy" mods and anime porn outfits turning Skyrim into another jRPG with a passion.

Looking at them on the nexus I do like some aspects, mostly the changes to the floor and such, but the changes to the buildings look really out of place. Some of the interiors too.
Set iPresentInterval to = 0 in both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini in Documents/My Games/Skyrim.

I don't know what you mean by the latter.

Cheers, that did exactly what I was after.

My shadows don't seem right, they seem very blocky and flicker quite a bit. Could this be because my shadow setting is on high and not on ultra?


EDIT - Tried Ultra, no difference apart from killing my FPS a bit.
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I tried Mr Kruggas shadow settings a few pages back and inside they looked realy great tbh ;)



But outside the shadows look pants, so i switched them back off again :(
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