The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

My game has become very unstable now. Very tempted to uninstall and mod from fresh.

It doesn't look like any of your mods are likely to conflict, or are notorious for instability(though I have not used any of the playerhome ones).

Have you tried a cleansave? Also, If it is anything like FO3/NV, it doesn't like when you load an autosave, so will be more stable when loading a 'proper' save.

The best tactic I have used which has reduced the instabilities in my game is to make a real save at the end of every session, ready to load the next time I play it. Then if I die or whatever and it loads an autosave, just make another proper save and then load it again. Try playing a seesion where you do not load an autosave and see if it helps.

Oh and - cheating on your carryweight....not cool:p
It doesn't look like any of your mods are likely to conflict, or are notorious for instability(though I have not used any of the playerhome ones).

Have you tried a cleansave? Also, If it is anything like FO3/NV, it doesn't like when you load an autosave, so will be more stable when loading a 'proper' save.

The best tactic I have used which has reduced the instabilities in my game is to make a real save at the end of every session, ready to load the next time I play it. Then if I die or whatever and it loads an autosave, just make another proper save and then load it again. Try playing a seesion where you do not load an autosave and see if it helps.

Oh and - cheating on your carryweight....not cool:p

I can't see any obvious conflicts either, but it is just randomly crashing. Think I am going to have to start everything from scratch (hope I can keep my save though).

As this point in the game I got tired of being restricted by how much I could carry :p
I can't see any obvious conflicts either, but it is just randomly crashing. Think I am going to have to start everything from scratch (hope I can keep my save though).

As this point in the game I got tired of being restricted by how much I could carry :p

The more I learn about modding this game, the more I realise that you can't prevent crashes with any number of mods, if you don't use tools to identify the issues, like CK for source files, Tes5Edit for viewing conflicts, Wrye Bash for eliminating them and merging plugins, making sure that leveled lists work correctly, playing on a clean save (which usually means that you can't install some mods), cleaning cells on current saves (31 days sleep), sorting out the load order, etc...

Go to STEP forums and see why some popular mods have been excluded from the list, you'll realise how little we actually know about modding Skyrim.

EDIT: RLwC with Natural Rain can cause crashes, Sounds of Skyrim certainly may, and maybe some scripts or background processes too.
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Project Reality has been released. I have not tried it yet, but I have been raving about the New Vegas version for ages. Definitely worth a try. It is by far the best weather/lighting mod available for FNV, and if this is anywhere near as good, it will become the one to use!
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2K Textures or an ENB? I'm pretty sure i can't run both on a 7850..

Skyrim Realistic Overhaul and/or Skyrim 2K textures with either some stripped down ENB config or other post-processing mods, like Immersive Environment, Realistic Lighting with Customisation, Project Reality, URWL, CLO, or similar.

The latter mods can be used with Dynavision and Imaginator for further improvement.

Google them to find the links on Nexus.
So I have reinstalled all of my mods, but the game now looks horrible. I think I had a massively edited .ini file too - then again, that was probably causing most of the problems!
so the offline mode thing worked :) game "touch wood" is nice and stable now and looks incredible with the 70 or so mods i have installed.

only problem i have is the quality of bodies dont seem to match the quality of heads and you can see a seem on the female's necks (im using better faces and better bodies mod too)
Well I finally fixed my crashing problem - but the game looks much worse now, have probably missed out a mod somewhere.

Fixed it, forgot my FXAA injector.

Game is running fantastically again now - not a single crash and super smooth again too. Deus mon is an absolutely fantastic player home. Trying to get through some more quests, then might get back into modding the game again. Looking forward to the Dawnguard DLC.
im still having this strange texture problem on characters.

you can easily see a difference between their head textures and body textures.......looks like their heads have been sewn on.

im using the better female and male body mods too.
Wanted to start a new save since I haven't played since the first few months of release so thanks for the list of mods, much appreciated.
im still having this strange texture problem on characters.

you can easily see a difference between their head textures and body textures.......looks like their heads have been sewn on.

im using the better female and male body mods too.

You could install the CBBE mod, a tool called TexblendLite is installed with it, makes the neck seems blend together better. Then you can remove CBBE mod. I'm not sure how well it works if you aren't using CBBE mod.

Deus mon is an absolutely fantastic player home. Trying to get through some more quests, then might get back into modding the game again. Looking forward to the Dawnguard DLC.

It is a great house mod, though I find some areas I get quite low FPS, and the large amount of mannequins means the mannequin fix script has a lot of work to do when you enter the house, lags for a few seconds.
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I just downloaded the 4 full Skyrim HD - 2K Textures files from Nexus.
I've tried installing them manually and using the mod manager but they don't work at all. They don't appear in the data files list or anything :confused:

Only the official HD textures patch is showing as installed.
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