The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

So I thought I would post this in here for anyone else looking to replicate a similar look:


The basic ENB, FXAA injector and Lighting mods are: Unreal Cinema ENB, Realistic Lighting and Immersive Environment (I'm running other various texture mods but just focusing on these right now)

I compiled the relevant files into a rar for easy download.

Place those files into your skyrim directory (delete any previous ENB/FXAA settings) and you're good to go (You will need to adjust the brightness, mine is 3 clicks down from the highest).

Revamped exterior fog is also needed (placed at the bottom of your load order):

Please ensure Realistic Lighting Patcher is 1 place above Realistic Lighting in your load order.

I also adjusted the ENB file to alter the pitch black nights to a more realistic setting.

To do this Download:

Place it in your skyrim root folder where the enb files are located.

Run it and under the following parameters (On the environment tab) alter these values:

Ambient Lighting:

Intensity At Night - 10
Shadow Strength At Night - 10


Amount At night - 10

If you also experience rays coming off the moon at night, go to the Sky tab and under the sun parameter untick sun rays.

To disable letterboxing, in the enb customiser tool go to 'Other' tab and untick letterbox height.

The nights are not pitch black anymore but I'd say a torch is still required (My preference). For reference I'm also using torch & street light mods as below but it's up to you if you require them: (V4a default brightness, 2x radius) (Using optional light adjuster: Vanilla brightness, increased radius)

I hope somebody finds this useful.

Not sure if you SS-89 are still watching this thread but I like the look of your screenshots so I have followed your post but I don't get the same result.

The dark areas are much darker and the faces of NPC's have shadow over them.
I wanted to take some screenshots to show you but they all look like yours instead of how it looks playing the game??

Any ideas?
I have these installed but I must be blind or not doing it right (total noob) but I rarely notice any difference

I assume given how quiet the thread has become that most people have overplayed this a little now and the novelty has worn off?

When will the Dawnguard DLC add-on be realised for PC?
I'm still playing!

I could do with a recommendation for a decent female face replacer. Not an anime-style one that look totally out of place, but far prettier than the existing Janice Battersbys.
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I'm still playing!

I could do with a recommendation for a decent female face replacer. Not an anime-style one that look totally out of place, but far prettier than the existing Janice Battersbys.

XCE and Better Females by Bella are good for a start. There are a few others as well, but I can't remember them atm.
Does anyone know a way I can forward time (more then 24hrs)?
Or reset the npc's so I can redo levels and have people to kill.
I've been travelling around skyrim and can't find anyone else to fight so I can level up.
XCE and Better Females by Bella are good for a start. There are a few others as well, but I can't remember them atm.

Better Females by Bella is only good if you don't mind the females in Skyrim wearing two tonnes of make up on their faces.

It's totally unrealistic for a medieval like scenery.
Better Females by Bella is only good if you don't mind the females in Skyrim wearing two tonnes of make up on their faces.

It's totally unrealistic for a medieval like scenery.

I disagree. I think the less make-up version strikes a good balance(or one of the version, don't remember which). Vanilla is too ugly, and most face mods do go over the top, I grant you, but this is about right imo.

Remember people.

Oblivion Mod Manager for Oblivion
Fallout Mod Manager for Fallout 3 & New Vegas
Nexus Mod Manager for Skyrim.

Do NOT use the Nexus Mod Manager for anything other than Skyrim, most mods (a few for Skyrim, too) do not support it and they will either install incorrectly or totally break your game. You have been warned.


Seriously, even if you run the game at a million FPS and have enough computing power to launch a spaceship from your toilet, you should still use this. All it does is optimize textures, it doesn't resize them if you don't tell it to, less stress on your hardware is for the best, even if its a 0.01% relief on your hardware, its worth doing, no?

Even resizing textures doesn't give any real noticeability in texture quality, but saves a ton of HDD space and gives you free, extra FPS. Essential IMO as it can also be used to optimize the textures in any Elder Scrolls and Fallout game.

A quick tip for those who play Oblivion:

Use it alongside Operation Optimization for Oblivion, together they gave me about 20fps increase overall, about 7 or 8 in more demanding areas, which was pretty needed when I'd get as little as 20fps in some areas thanks to the better cities mod.

Use Operation Optimization first, and then Optimizer Textures.

As essential as B.O.S.S IMO.

You can even tell it to make a backup of all your texture files in .RAR format just incase you don't like it, which you most likely will as unless your bossing around with 8k rez textures, which I've never even seen (:D) you will not notice the compression, ESPECIALLY when using an ENB.

OH and it works for S.T.A.L.K.E.R too! :D

For people who are unsure as to how they can get the Script Extender working with Steam (so it tracks playtime and gives you the overlay) just add the Script Extender as a non-Steam game and run it, the way it works is that it'll launch Skyrim after extending its scripting ability, as I'm sure you all know, but its been tweaked so that Steam thinks Skyrim was launched.


On a more MOD related note, if your using the Immersive Armor pack (if your not, wtf are you doing? :D) definitely install this afterwards:

I whole heartedly recommend this too:

EDIT: Immersive Armors:

Pics below










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ive been using just the steam workshop atm, got a lot of ctd's recently so im doing a full reinstall + NMM conversion.

backed up savegames but completely forgot that all my smithing stuff, dragon bones and maybe my claw keys are in a few chests of a forge mod for one of the player homes. :/
It adds friendly Guars though! :D Together with the real wildlife and bird flock mods, the game is literally TEEMING with life, you can't go a minute without bumping into something that wants to be your friend, something that is scared of you or something that downright wants to take your head off. :D
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