The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Just started playing this game today, without going through the whole thread, what mods do people recommend first of all?

Thanks :)
Turn off SSAO, or DOF, or both. Change to post process AA like FXAA or SMAA. If you have changed uGridToLoad then that is the biggest FPS killer. I had it at 7 and have gone back to 5 now. FPS is much better, though things popping into view can be a bit crap.

Edit: Going back from 7 uGridToLoad to 5 will break your game. Guide how to do it at the bottom of this article:
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Is all of the SSAO, DOF, FXAA and SMAA in the ENB ini file?

I'm using the ENB Injector.exe method as it's the simplest.

Thanks for the help dude :)
Well I think the wrapper version is the simplest :). You just put a file (d3d9.dll) in the Skyrim folder, no need to run injector before you play the game.

In the enbseries.ini you have [EFFECT] section where you can turn off SSAO and DOF.


FXAA is built into Skyrim and can be turned on/off by starting Skyrim Launcher. SMAA is a mod Put all the files from that mod in the Skyrim folder except d3d9.dll (you already have d3d9.dll from ENB), along with the ENB files. Then edit enbseries.ini (at the top):

Are there any mods that help reduce brightness of snow and and any other light coloured objects?

The snow is blindingly bright. Spent hours fiddling with colour settings in Nvidia Control Panel, but lowering anything just makes the darks too dark.

It literally makes the game unplayable for me as its just that bright!
Are you sure its not an in game, NVCPL or monitor setting thats doing it?

Brightness in game is set to the middle.

ive messed with all settings in Nvidia control and nothing changed. unless im missing something? tried resetting everything to default, still no change... I am using DVI to HDMI for my monitor, doubt very much thats it though....
Overly bright graphics can come from the Climates of Tamriel mod.

For me, at night around Whiterun, the yellow wheat grass is very bright and sticks out appaulingly, its no biggy though because CoT is bloody amazing all the other times, I have noticed slightly brighter white textures, but nothing that really stood out.

This is the problem with Skyrim, so many weird things happen, on a fresh reinstall I wasn't getting any grass, even with Lush Grass/iMinGrassSize=80 in the .ini, I was getting pathetic amounts of grass in some places and just downright nothing in others. I had to create my own grass mod with Creation to actually get grass, now I have extreme amounts (which is good) but Whiterun is like a carnival at night.

You'll probably never have a flawless experience outside of vanilla, as mods can do all sorts, and sometimes the core features of the game are broken, but it doesn't matter cause it's epic.

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