The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Skyrim landscape changes

Morning all been playing skyrim for a while now and finished most of the quests and am thinking of downloading a graphics mod like Skyrim Flora Overhaul,also looked at the pictures of Skyrim hd 2k, never tried a mod like these before and know nothing about them(don't want to break my game).So I thought I'd ask you more experienced players your opinion of these kinds of mods. Got 8 of memory and 2 on my video card.Do all these kinds of mods hit your performance.
Oh Lordy, I think I broke my game. Everything was running smoothly and then I added the Immersive Weapons mod and it won't start at all. I've deactivated lots of mods, including the 'Immersive' ones and still no progress. I cannot restart another save game... :(
So is the answer to just deactivate all of my mods until the game works again? *sobs*

Unless you can clearly identify the problem then yeah, your only options are to either clean install the game, deactivate all mods and reactivate them 1 at a time or deactivate your mods 1 at a time.

If you installed 5 mods at once and they worked fine then added 2 more in and it broke then your solution is obvious. Not quite so easy when you heavily modded it in one go. Course sometimes 1 mod can majorly conflict with other stuff or overwrite files in which case you're boned unless you installed em with 1 of the fancy mod managers.
Just a heads up guys, as discovered in the Skyrim thread, the CCO (character customisation overhaul) mod's option addon 'dynamic skill progression' increases the skill percentage rate for your level greatly!

So, you sneak goes up one point, you play a thief, you gain 33% of the level bar at lv 20. Without the optional mod, you gain 5% of the level bar.

Just bare this in mind. I'm 10 hours in, very underpowered at level 22, crap gear. Everything else is under trained and enemies are much higher than I can manage.

So going to start again :(
Unless you can clearly identify the problem then yeah, your only options are to either clean install the game, deactivate all mods and reactivate them 1 at a time or deactivate your mods 1 at a time.

If you installed 5 mods at once and they worked fine then added 2 more in and it broke then your solution is obvious. Not quite so easy when you heavily modded it in one go. Course sometimes 1 mod can majorly conflict with other stuff or overwrite files in which case you're boned unless you installed em with 1 of the fancy mod managers.

Thanks mate. It's strange because all my mods were working perfectly for weeks, then I added the Immersive Weapons mod and it brought with it the CTD issue, but even when I kicked out the IW mod the CTD continued.

Plus, I'm using the Nexus Mod Manager.

So I'm a bit clueless.
Are you using BOSS too? Sorts out your load order and flags up any warnings! Been experimenting with loads of mods lately and not had one CTD even installing multiple mods at once after running BOSS. I download and activate/install with NMM, close that run BOSS, reload NMM and use that to run the game.
I've just tried BOSS, although I don't really understand it. It says this:

Thanks mate. It's strange because all my mods were working perfectly for weeks, then I added the Immersive Weapons mod and it brought with it the CTD issue, but even when I kicked out the IW mod the CTD continued.

Plus, I'm using the Nexus Mod Manager.

So I'm a bit clueless.

Remove that mod and go back to a save that was never touched by it. If that works then you know it was an issue with that mod.

How to clean mods:

ITM = Identical to Master. Essentially cloned data that is not needed.
UDR = Deleted references. These are bad.

You may want to install.
Unofficial Skyrim Patch (Arthmoor/Kivan)
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch (Arthmoor/Kivan)

CTD's are generally a result of deleted data or data that has been changed that is attached to an item you own. So armor mods and weapon mods that add new items change existing ones. These aren't the only sources of crashes but on an established save game using a mod that alters weapon id's is probably not a good idea.
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Just bought this on steam, with the expansions.

Are there any "essential" mods that add to the game without detracting from the main game too much?
Just bought this on steam, with the expansions.

Are there any "essential" mods that add to the game without detracting from the main game too much?

If you are planning on playing with mouse and keyboard, SkyUI.

Google essential mods.
Need to Start modding

Steam Workshop or NMM
i used to use NMM a lot.

I want the best looking skyrim yet!
name some good ones would be nice

i think i used:
Water texture
Better Whiterun
2k Textures last time

with 50 other mods
I need help identifying a mod

I need help remembering the name of a mod that I was using that improved performance by automatically flushing the memory. I don't have it anymore as I have reinstalled Skyrim. It is a mod that I read about in the Steam Skyrim news section and may have downloaded from Nexus. Without it I could not run the official high res texture packs without the game slowing down after 10 minutes.
hia chaps need a bit of help. ive recently started playing this again cause i bought dawnguard in sales.

i usually play with lush grass mod but recently its been hammering my framerate. it caused gpu usage to hit 100%. it never sued to do this. i used to play with lush trees aswell.

ive recently reformatted my HDD aswell so pc is nice and clean.

my specs:
msi 580 lighting 3gb
4.2ghz i7 920 12gb ram.

one thing i should mention is that i used to play with gigabyte 580 SOC 1536mb. since this new gpu lush grass etc is causing frame rate to drop.

only running with sky ui item sorting and official HD textures.

anyone got any advice??
Have you installed any ENB configs?

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head, are you 100% sure? Tested?
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