The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Do you have the game installed on a mechanical drive? Because I find this game runs better on a SSD, maybe that's what is letting you down.
Do you have the game installed on a mechanical drive? Because I find this game runs better on a SSD, maybe that's what is letting you down.

Ah, yeah it's running on a HDD but still, this amount of stuttering is just poor, there are other free roam games which load more assets when traveling than this, they are fine. :mad:
Urgh, so much modding! Really turning me off now, been at it all night. Bored now and don't fancy actually playing the game at all.
What's the best mod packs on steam? I've had skyrim since launch but all the mods etc put me off playing it

Anyone point me in right direction graphical mods would be cool and just addons that make the game better...

Personally I would use NMM , boss and most importantly TES5edit - this removes duplicate files that will cause issues such as crashes and poor performance - as far as i am aware steam workshop just installs the mods - but modding involves so much more. when installing mods a mod manager will give you the option of installing over the file of a previous mod or not therefore determining which textures/ features you want or not - which is why mod install order is important.

TES5edit in a fantastic tool cleaning up your mods - and bethesdas as well (bethesdas files are not clean at all as you will find out). When first using this watch the YT vids as just diving in could brick your game. But using it will make the game run a lot smoother and it will be 99% stable.

Imo steam workshop may install mods but using a manager, boss and the editor will probably give you a better experience. to achieve the game you want may take a little longer than the workshop - but will ultimately much more rewarding.

Finally remember before modding create a clean save and always back these up.
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Hmmmm, going to start fresh again tonight. Think I am going to approach this with the bit by bit method. Install a couple of must have mods. Not textures or effects, just ui and things.

Play for a hour or so and think "hmmm, that sucks... mod?". Go from there, as it stands, I am butchering in 50 mods just to start with and wondering what on earth is working and whats not!

Plus, I found the original game to be beautiful so don't mind not having ultimate eye candy as the original art direction was what I thought to be, sublime.

Really gave you that cold winter day feel. Grey and chilling.
Does anyone have any idea why this game runs awful on my machine? Using Skyrim 2k HD Lite, running at 1440x900, everything on high but nothing on ultra, I've also limited the framerate to 35 and everytime I travel around the wilderness etc it stutters, just like it always had but I thought that was just due to my old processor (Bulldozer Fx-4100) but recently jumped to a 3570k. Now if a 480GTX can run Skyrim along with all those graphic mods, surely my 6850 with a 3570k can run Skyrim with nothing but Skyrim 2k HD Lite at a low rez?

Or is this game really this badly optimized?

Skyrim's Creation Engine (Butchered Gamebryo) is a mess with regards as to how efficient it is, but hey this is Bugthesda we are talking about, there are a few things you can do to get it running more smoothly, two fairly recent mods that I would say for me are essential are ATTK SKSE Power Loader stops interference from Steam, generally makes the game smoother and skyrim configurator, this is an excellent tool to change your ini files, it makes it so much easier, you can change almost every aspect from shadow detail, ugrids, textures etc, so maybe in your case lowering some aspects will help, also if you are running HD texture packs, use either SMCO or Optimizer they will save you some precious vram, every little helps ;).
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I reccommend SkyRe, it makes some really good changes to most aspects of the game. Foremost, it takes away the Stamina pot chugging and makes you fight with tactics! It also sorts out the leveling of the NPCS so that you don't get to the point where you can just 1 hit everything.
Anyone point me in right direction graphical mods would be cool and just addons that make the game better...


Everyone wondering this should go through STEP. It is a PDF with links and instructions for loads of graphics mods and some small gameplay changing ones. It tells you the FPS hit for each mod and you can pick and choose which ones you want to use

Also I agree that SkyRe is excellent
Anyone? ENB on the quality setting is killing my fps, running a 670 @ 1920x1080, I go from a 80+fps game to 30fps...
Skyrim's Creation Engine (Butchered Gamebryo) is a mess with regards as to how efficient it is, but hey this is Bugthesda we are talking about, there are a few things you can do to get it running more smoothly, two fairly recent mods that I would say for me are essential are ATTK SKSE Power Loader stops interference from Steam, generally makes the game smoother and skyrim configurator, this is an excellent tool to change your ini files, it makes it so much easier, you can change almost every aspect from shadow detail, ugrids, textures etc, so maybe in your case lowering some aspects will help, also if you are running HD texture packs, use either SMCO or Optimizer they will save you some precious vram, every little helps ;).

Definitely gonna give those a go, but the thing is, my system is far above what is required to run this game on even ultra @ 1080p, far far above it as I can run vanilla Skyrim on ultra @ 1080p at 60fps, and with the LITE texture pack it's also 60fps, add in the FXAA injector (not ENB, just the FXAA injector thingy from Skyrim Nexus) and it hovers around 55fps, it just stutters like mad loading things in, I'm gonna grab an SSD one day, but for now I hope all of the above can help. Cheers!
Think I'm happy with my mods now haha. Aside from the fps limiter not working!

So, starting fresh tomorrow. New char, going to have to decide as SkyRe and CCO will have changed everything!
Hey you guys, I CBA reading through this whole thread so can I just ask, are there any basic tweaks that I can do to the .ini file or whatever which will make the game less jerky? I don't know if anyone else gets this but I find that my game is a bit jerky even though I can easily manage 60FPS constantly on my 7970.
Hey you guys, I CBA reading through this whole thread so can I just ask, are there any basic tweaks that I can do to the .ini file or whatever which will make the game less jerky? I don't know if anyone else gets this but I find that my game is a bit jerky even though I can easily manage 60FPS constantly on my 7970.

Download 'FPS limiter' from nexus, and in your .ini files (which is documents/my games/skyrim), you have 2, skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini.

You only need to do skyrim.ini for this. Find and change iPresentInterval=1 to iPresentInterval=0.

Save and load up the game.

Carefuly, if you don't install a fps limiter and your fps goes above 80fps. The physx goes nuts in this game. Pretty bad bug.
Download 'FPS limiter' from nexus, and in your .ini files (which is documents/my games/skyrim), you have 2, skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini.

You only need to do skyrim.ini for this. Find and change iPresentInterval=1 to iPresentInterval=0.

Save and load up the game.

Carefuly, if you don't install a fps limiter and your fps goes above 80fps. The physx goes nuts in this game. Pretty bad bug.

Will this make any difference if I'm already using Afterburner to limit frames to 60?
I have a dilemma with Skyrim at the moment, I want to use my SSD (only around 70~ GB left, so should be ok) so that I dont have to deal with the constant annoying stutter from HDD thrashing.

The dilemma of course I reinstall with Steams official function onto my main drive or just use steam-mover...which has problems with mod managers from what i hear.
I have a dilemma with Skyrim at the moment, I want to use my SSD (only around 70~ GB left, so should be ok) so that I dont have to deal with the constant annoying stutter from HDD thrashing.

The dilemma of course I reinstall with Steams official function onto my main drive or just use steam-mover...which has problems with mod managers from what i hear.

I too thought about this the other night... Scared to move it!
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