The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Hate to say it but this is exactly what I'm on about. Overblown colours and massive amounts of soft focus. Those pictures are tiny, but I'd hate to think what they'd look like @ 1080p. A blurry mess I should think.

Each to their own of course but to me I like nice crisp textures with a nice colour palette.
I agree man, I couldn't play with that much blur! I can't play with anything that drastically changes the depth of field either, my eyes do that naturally as I look around the screen.
I have Project ENB with DOF turned off and im quite happy with it, love the sunlight flashing through the trees. I could try something different but i need to actually play the game through cos ive spent the last 2 and a half weeks modding it to death
Remove the l before .jpg for full size. And there is no DoF on them, I don't think they are very blurry. Soft maybe, probably from SMAA and Fraps .jpg compression.

But as you say, each to their own, I like them.
Oddly, this is why I never bothered down the ENB root, I like the default color pallet with crisp textures. So to me, the dull greyness of the landscape really adds to the fact I'm up north, in a cold and bitter climate.
Oddly, this is why I never bothered down the ENB root, I like the default color pallet with crisp textures. So to me, the dull greyness of the landscape really adds to the fact I'm up north, in a cold and bitter climate.

Agreed 100%
You've been using the wrong ENBs!

If you look back in this thread, I used to be the one arguing against ENBs, in fact I played my first 100 hours without one. Now though I have found one to my liking and I couldn't play without it....Occasionally I press shift+F12 and it looks like a game from 2005 in comparison!
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You've been using the wrong ENBs!

If you look back in this thread, I used to be the one arguing against ENBs, in fact I played my first 100 hours without one. Now though I have found one to my liking and I couldn't play without it....Occasionally I press shift+F12 and it looks like a game from 2005 in comparison!

I have tried many, all top rated ones and all do roughly the same, everything becomes soft, like in Tamriel from Obvlivion. Contrast is too high. Colors are far too vibrant and the fps rockets down.

I prefer high textures, mesh mods and general weather mods that add to the effects of say... Being stuck in a blizzard, raining, climbing up a snow draped mountain.

I don't care for a field near Whiterun that looks all warm and snuggly. I want the grass to be a pale, dull green and the mud to be even more so. I want the bleak feel of the distant land. Knowing it's a cold and desolate.

This adds lore to the game for me. I have a mod that adds NPC cloaks and stuff, I look at them and think I am in a cold place. But!!

I also have mods that make inns look warm and inviting, house windows glow with a sense that the inside is warm with a roaring fire.

This, this to me makes the game what it is. Not Japanese looking characters in a over bloomed environment :P

Each to their own though! And no, I'm not saying ENB's look bad, they look spectacular! Blindingly good! But, just not for me :) Also, please find me a game from 2005 with similar graphics or better than Skyrim :)
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Also, please find me a game from 2005 with similar graphics or better than Skyrim :)

There is none. I said "in comparison"as in:

ENB on- Wow this looks great
press shift+F12- Where have all the colours gone!!? ( i actually did this the other day whilst showing a mate what it looked like on PC as opposed to the console which he has it on, and he basically refused to believe that vanilla looked that bad when I was switching between the two;))

Non ENB Skyrim is still one of the best looking games ever imo, after all I played for the first 6 months without one, and thought it looked incredible...and was even saying that I would never use one as I didn't like the look of the ones I had seen. Then I tried Project ENB, with performance options, which is pretty basic and doesn't do anything fancy at all(I can't stand any dof at all!...not even a tiny bit).

Is anyone else using SkyRe?....I finally have everything working perfectly in unison thanks to ReProcessor. What a fantastic little program! It basically patches everything in your load order to integrate it into SkyRe...also, Dreamcloth is an excellent idea. Basically you can make clothes made from dreamcloth at a tanning rack, these clothes have no armour rating, but instead they increase the armour rating of other pieces. For example, wearing a full steel set I have a rating of 750, if I swap my steel helmet for a dreamcloth helmet, I lose the 150 that the helmet gives me, but it increases the rating of my boots/cuirass etc by 15% so that it almost makes up for it. Allows for much more experimenting.
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Not all ENB's oversaturate Skyrim at all, some keep the exact color style and climate feel of the base game. Heck just use Boris' 1.17 (or is it 1.2something?) standard ENB from enbdev which does nothing except add a ton of DX11-esque graphical features. Leaves all the color, lighting and feel of the weather completely untouched.
Has anyone found a mod that adds lots of extra locations - dungeons, mines and so on? I'm using Forgotten Settlements, but it doesn't really seem to add much useful or exciting stuff to the game.
I haven't seen many that add dungeons tbh, but there are some really good settlement mods out there. I would still like a new city to explore though. Is there one in Dragonborn does anyone know?

PS. I would love a dlc/mod that adds the Imperial City to the game!...maybe something along the lines of getting on a coach/boat which takes you right there and puts you straight in to the city and you just have the city to explore with a few quests.
Can anyone help me with sorting out the load order of the mods I have?

The only mods I know which to put in the correct order are the unofficial patches. I've tried using BOSS but all it does is move the placement of the unofficial patches and disables the Dawnguard patch.

This is my current load order:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial Heathfire Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
Unofficial High Resolution Patch
Chopping block / Wood fires FIX
Better Dynamic Snow
Better Embers
Racial Bonus in description
More Dragon Loot
Auto Unequip Arrows
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches
Lighter Tools
Alternate Sun Glare
Better Quest Objectives
Enhanced Blood Textures 3.0c
Unread Books Glow
Stones of Barenziah Quest Markers
Dragon Priest Mask Quest Markers
Detailed Mine Map Markers
House Map Markers by Smakit
Luscious Faces - Photo realistic female faces
Lockpick Pro
Can anyone help me with sorting out the load order of the mods I have?

The only mods I know which to put in the correct order are the unofficial patches. I've tried using BOSS but all it does is move the placement of the unofficial patches and disables the Dawnguard patch.

This is my current load order:

Looks fine to me.
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