The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Any solutions for the annoying water splash sound when you not in water? seems to be prominent when in a dungeon and seems to have started after installing Dragonborn. Or is this just for me? ATi gfx, no real mods to speak of.

For anyone who is suffering this. Mine was due to Vsync with a 120mhz monitor. there's a mod that reduces it to 60 and it should resolve it.

I was also getting some really weird clipping issues especially with dragonborn in the black book areas, this is now resolved.
I personally couldn't ever play the game with the awful vanilla textures, even the HD pack. Gotta have one with decent design like 2K.

I have the 2k textures installed but it seems pretty limited to what it actually affects. For example rocks and walls etc still use the old textures.
I installed the unofficial Skyrim patch which can sometimes glitch out and stop you from absorbing dragon souls. I didn't know about this until killing Sahloknir (one of the really early missions with Delphine). I know installing the unoffical Dawnguard patch fixes this but Sahloknir is still glitched out and as I haven't absorbed his soul it's not letting me talk to Delphine.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I'm level 42 now as I was doing other things before even realising. Will I have leave that mission be? Pretty sure it's part of the main story...
I have the 2k textures installed but it seems pretty limited to what it actually affects. For example rocks and walls etc still use the old textures.

Cities are completely redone, all interiors are redone, landscapes are redone and it redoes the water too, rocks have other texture packs to choose from. ;)
I installed the unofficial Skyrim patch which can sometimes glitch out and stop you from absorbing dragon souls. I didn't know about this until killing Sahloknir (one of the really early missions with Delphine). I know installing the unoffical Dawnguard patch fixes this but Sahloknir is still glitched out and as I haven't absorbed his soul it's not letting me talk to Delphine.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I'm level 42 now as I was doing other things before even realising. Will I have leave that mission be? Pretty sure it's part of the main story...

I fixed this with the unofficial dawnguard patch then reloading a save from before I had travelled to kynesgrove. Console commands can be used to progress the quest also.
What FPS are you lot getting on average?

I have about 40 mods including ENB and textures and sit at usually 60FPS indoors but outdoors/towns can be anywhere from 30-50fps dependant. Im debating downgrading some graphics mods to bump the FPS, but then I love the way its looking now lol.
What FPS are you lot getting on average?

I have about 40 mods including ENB and textures and sit at usually 60FPS indoors but outdoors/towns can be anywhere from 30-50fps dependant. Im debating downgrading some graphics mods to bump the FPS, but then I love the way its looking now lol.

About that for me too, but ENB with all the bells and whistles costs about 60% FPS. Turn off Vsync and just learn to ignore the tearing. Made my game sooo much smoother.
Is there a list of must have mods for Skyrim? I haven't played since last year and I am wondering what I missed.

Depends what you're after, there are so many and everyone's taste differs.

Skyrim HD, WATER, minty's lightning mod, Sounds of Skyrim, Level uncapper, an ENB profile, SKSE (needed for many mods), SkyUI... But a few that I would say you should check out. I have about 120 mods installed.

Check out STEP, but beware it takes a lot of time to do and get right. The instructions are very clear and helpful though.
Is there a list of must have mods for Skyrim? I haven't played since last year and I am wondering what I missed.

I been playing around with different mods and ended up with the essentials and left out a few things that i could live without. I left out a few must have mods like deadly dragons etc as it was bloating out my log and save game size but what i am using seems to be ok so far

This is what i am playing with at the moment, Just dont forget to wryebash mods that have lvled lists in them to work properly

Ps here is my load order, i think this is the least amount of mods i have run thias game with so far, you can only cut back so far lol

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