The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Also, as tempting as it is, please dont use the console and trainers to level yourself up to a demigod quickly. You will screw up some quests, and loose out on a lot of the self satisfaction of building your own character.
Also, as tempting as it is, please dont use the console and trainers to level yourself up to a demigod quickly. You will screw up some quests, and loose out on a lot of the self satisfaction of building your own character.

Never understood why people would play it like that, it's pretty easy anyway as long as you don't just flail around.

I'm having a very annoying problem with sound buzzing/repeating and it usually happens near water, water flashes grey as well. Had the problem with objects shooting all over when entering a room as well. Apparently it's linked to 120hz monitors but setting mine to 60hz just makes the game appear stuttery and horrible. I'd hoped one of the unofficial patches would have fixed it but nothing I've tried so far has. Shame as I'm really enjoying it.
They only way you fix that to use an enb and set fps in enb.ini to 60fps. Its like walking into a room full of ghosts. I get the flickering water, but it goes away when i disable sli.
I havent had to change the enb.ini in the latest version of realvision enb. It really is the best enb i have used, and the dof is a perfect balance for not having ugrids locked at 5. On a single 680 it runs decently. You need 680 sli for it to silky smooth.
I'm trying to get into this modding shenanigans but it's all a bit confusing. I downloaded the high res texture packs from Steam, but many guides recommend installing the 2K texture packs. My question is do these replace the high res packs or do you need both?
Huh... I never thought about that! So with both installed, the official high res and 2k, the first in load order is the main one used. The other is killed off?

Well it makes total sense but I never thought about that haha. Will try tonight to see if I can spot a difference!
2k doesn't have an esp, so will not need to be loaded. Just overwrite the HD pack, and untick them.(or use the HD optimized thingy)

You can combine as many texture packs as you want without worrying. The worst that can happen is they get overwritten. It can't cause any problems, except with V-ram as mentioned
Well I have a tonne of mods at the moment and I don't think I've ever capped my VRAM.

Any tools that are good for monitoring it in game?
You can always shrink the textures if it's too much on your system, the 2K textures shrunk to 512px like vanilla or 1024px ('HD')' still look way better than Bethesdas creations. 2K Lite is 2048px and FULL is 4096px or it may actually be 8192px, can't really remember. There isn't a card on earth with the VRAM to comfortably run 8k textures though, not even the 4GB 7970s or 3GB 780s.
Well I have a tonne of mods at the moment and I don't think I've ever capped my VRAM.

Any tools that are good for monitoring it in game?

Afterburner or even running GPU-Z in the background and set the memory usage graph to show the max reading obtained whilst playing.
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