The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

I solely did iron daggers at first and then enchanted them and sold them off, then bought ingots from the blacksmith and repeated... grinding madness! then obviously as i levelled up i used better ingots/materials.

i was a wood elf in my first play through, but id definitely like something different this time, i was very cautious and defensive in my first run. thinking about being a mage this time around.... im actually really excited to get playing again, even though the game is 2.5 years old now?
I can do the modding, do you know of any good ones ?

Moonpath to Elsweyr
Shadows of Dragonstar

All really high quality. I have played them all. Falskaar in particular is top notch. You can also get mods which make them blend in with the game a little more seamlessly by doing things such as allowing you to fast-travel from any area to the other at any time.
^^ What he said... I've not tried any of them myself as I'm yet to even play the regular game through

Happy to report that my game seems fairly stable, and runs really nicely despite all the mods :)

The only thing I'm not quite sure about in case anyone has any ideas - I have Climates of Tamriel + the Weather patch + MannyGT's Supreme Storms for CoT and Minty's lightning mod. I thought it was all working fine but when I was playing earlier I seemed to have lightning/thunder when it wasn't raining... I know in reality there can be distant thunder when it's overcast but not raining but it seemed a little bit much. Anybody know that I'm talking about? (I expect it isn't a bug, but if I start getting thunder while it's sunny I may reconsider that!!)
I've installed all that including the ENB and although it looks nice the performance is terrible.

4670k @ 4.4ghz
7950 @ 1200/1500 on Cat 14.4 drivers

FPS is regularly in the 20's and rarely gets above 50's. Shame :(

Seems surprising to me... I don't have quite all of those but quite a few of them as well as an ENB (I went for the Serenity ENB) and I get 60+ most of the time and occasional drops to around ~35 in busier areas

Thats on a 3770k @ 4.0 with a 670 GTX
I spent 4 hours downloading, installing, fixing, uninstalling and then reinstalling mods and after playing Skyrim for about 30 minutes I realised I couldn't get back into it so uninstalled it again.

So true
Seems surprising to me... I don't have quite all of those but quite a few of them as well as an ENB (I went for the Serenity ENB) and I get 60+ most of the time and occasional drops to around ~35 in busier areas

Thats on a 3770k @ 4.0 with a 670 GTX
I tried again and the game ground to a halt after about an hour to the point it was at 10fps and constantly freezing. I came out of the game and I had a warning I had run out of memory. Yet I had GPU-Z running, which showed GPU RAM usage had peaked at 2.4gig and was averaging around 2.3gig, yet the 7950 has 3gig? System memory usage was around 5gig and I've got 8 so no I'm a bit confused there.

Also I had the 7950 overclocked to 1200/1500 but GPU-Z was reporting the card never went above 850/1250 during the game (which is lower than standard clocks) but it was reporting the card was overclocked correctly on main screen. HIS iturbo utility was also reporting the card was running at 1200/1500. Also when I launched the web browser GPU-Z then reported the card jumped to 1200/1500 :confused:

PC gaming is such a boring pain in the ass at times, more time spent tweaking and fixing than playing :(

Think I might just uninstall the whole lot, fresh install and just try a few minor tweaks on whatever stands out the most.
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You have SKSE 1.7 installed and the memory settings in skse.ini?


Using an ENB with correct settings in enblocal.ini?

uGridsToLoad is at 5?

If you're using ENB you can lower the shadow settings quite a bit and the detailed shadows will still look good.
PC gaming is such a boring pain in the ass at times, more time spent tweaking and fixing than playing :(

Think I might just uninstall the whole lot, fresh install and just try a few minor tweaks on whatever stands out the most.

As the poster above says, there are fixes for the memory... It's not your machine it's the fact that Skyrim is coded poorly. I believe it only allocates to the heap in 256Mb chunks - I suppose because the consoles it was aimed at have such a low amount of RAM - and the mechanisms for extending the heap once that limit is reached are pretty broken and often result in crashes.

My game runs at 100% VRAM (2Gb) usage most of the time (certainly when I'm in an exterior location) and close to 100% GPU as well... I've got 16Gb of RAM which it doesn't make a dent in (not much does outside of 3d rendering or heavy video editing really)

Don't give up though - a little investment getting it modded up will be worth it as you play through... I think the key is installing the mods carefully in a sensible order, with a bit of testing in between. I made a note of exactly what I installed and in what order if you're interested? My aim was to keep the game more or less as it was meant to be, but with a lot of visual enhancements and a few gameplay changes to make it a little more interesting/immersive, while maintaining a decent level of performance
The only thing I'm not quite sure about in case anyone has any ideas - I have Climates of Tamriel + the Weather patch + MannyGT's Supreme Storms for CoT and Minty's lightning mod. I thought it was all working fine but when I was playing earlier I seemed to have lightning/thunder when it wasn't raining... I know in reality there can be distant thunder when it's overcast but not raining but it seemed a little bit much. Anybody know that I'm talking about? (I expect it isn't a bug, but if I start getting thunder while it's sunny I may reconsider that!!)

Apologies for double post but this is still bothering me - anybody have any idea?

I've played for several more in-game days and the weather just seems to be overcast with thunder+lightning (but no rain) pretty much all the time!!

I did have one thought - I'm at the (early) point in the game with the first pending dragon related quest near Whiterun... Is the game coded to keep the weather sort of gloomy/overcast with thunder until this quest is out of the way or something? (You know, to make it all dramatic etc)? I'll probably go ahead and do that quest later to see if it makes any difference
You have SKSE 1.7 installed and the memory settings in skse.ini?.
Don't give up though - a little investment getting it modded up will be worth it as you play through... I think the key is installing the mods carefully in a sensible order, with a bit of testing in between. I made a note of exactly what I installed and in what order if you're interested? My aim was to keep the game more or less as it was meant to be, but with a lot of visual enhancements and a few gameplay changes to make it a little more interesting/immersive, while maintaining a decent level of performance
Thanks for replies, I'll have a look at it again over the weekend. I just followed the below guides, so assumed it was a fairly safe bet to work. Hasn't quite worked out that way yet...
every single mod from this page pretty much mate
Mr Chong, while I can't promise your fps will go crazy or anything, I can suggest a couple of things that have improved it a bit for me :)

First of all, the windows memory thing... I dunno, increase your pagefile if it's custom? I sorted it out by bunging in a couple of extra 4gb sticks I had lying around as I kinda need the space that a 2Gb pagefile gives back to the ssd.

I use most of the Realvision/ELFX stuff (+EWIs High SkyrimPrefs and inis with ugrids 7 etc) and a single 7970 @1200/1600 sits mainly in the low-mid 30's in the majority of outdoor scenarios.
That was actually ok to play in all honesty if you turn off the fps counter and forget about it, but the problem came whenever it went to 40+ and it would then get seriously choppy unless it was sat at 60 etc.


Turn off vsync in skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini under [display]: iPresentInterval=0
Also under [display] in skyrimprefs.ini, I changed the shadows to 2048.
In enblocal.ini under [limiter], I changed these to this EnableFPSLimit=true and FPSLimit=60

This got me a much smoother game and fps are up a little. I'm sure there's plenty more to be done, but I've forgotten most of the ini tweaking stuff I did to get it running reasonably well with the last install :(
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