The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Mage and Candle light are the only reasons my alteration skill is higher than 20 :D

Have you tried getting it passed 20 anyway, takes forever!
Trying to raise mine for transmuting (doing a lot of crafting for smithing & enchanting) and it is taking sooo long!

This is with Mage standing stone and items to help. :eek:
Although, I have enough gold rings to get 100 enchanting (120 is all you need if you have the soul gems!)
Uhmm how you take screen shoots ? Using more then one monitor and ALT + Print Screen don't work. And can't say I seen an option in the game for it but might have missed it. :o

Mainly just done quests while walking around, almost lvl 9 already. Although not sure if that's fast or not since seem to be many levels for the character. (Played for 29hrs so far) lol

On a side note, some of the miscellaneous objectives requires resources to be gathered, how do you find them part from pure pot luck ? :o
Have you tried getting it passed 20 anyway, takes forever!
Trying to raise mine for transmuting (doing a lot of crafting for smithing & enchanting) and it is taking sooo long!

This is with Mage standing stone and items to help. :eek:
Although, I have enough gold rings to get 100 enchanting (120 is all you need if you have the soul gems!)

Yeah it took me a while to get alchemy and enchanting up to 100. They're both at ~110 now I believe as I'm using level uncapper. I got bored and made some crazy powerful weapons. I can single shot kill most dragons (and even dragon priests with the right potions, items and sneak damage) on Master difficulty. Made the game too easy, but well, I've now completed it three times haha. Had a armour set that was 3-4x higher than the damage reduction cap, but the challenge is to make the value as high as you can anyway :D Think my Deadric bow did something like 2500 damage with the right potions and enchanted archery items haha.
Didn't know you could actually run out of oil, not done for whole game and finished it this week. Now for Dragonborn and Dawnguard. :)

I think the "lanterns use up oil" setting may be off by default, you have to go into the MCM for wearable lanterns to activate it (unless I'm mistaken - I seem to remember thinking "damn, this lantern oil lasts for ages!" at first until I realised it wasn't going down at all)
Uhmm how you take screen shoots ? Using more then one monitor and ALT + Print Screen don't work. And can't say I seen an option in the game for it but might have missed it. :o

Mainly just done quests while walking around, almost lvl 9 already. Although not sure if that's fast or not since seem to be many levels for the character. (Played for 29hrs so far) lol

Press F12 for a screenshot, the Steam overlay needs to be active for it to work though iirc.

I went back to a level 20 something save recently to test a mod and I couldn't bear it, bandits killing me with a few shots... even managed to get killed by a bear. The shame.
Actually started a play through for the first time since getting this games ages ago now I am happy with my mods..

Just rescued Serena?? to vampire or not vampire??

any pros and cons to it?
I'm going to be upgrading to 970 SLI on a 1080p G-sync monitor, and I feel like revisiting reaperguy's guide and getting it looking and playing as sweet as possible.

If I want to roll back and uninstall some mods, do I just deselect them in mod organiser. Or, would I be better unintstalling the whole thing and starting over with a fresh steam download?

Also, if I want to use nvidia DSR where do I change the screen resolution? In one of the ini files?

Looking through the screens in this thread... Your games look really, really nice. Thought that I may as well contribute with a few shots I grabbed while I was playing:

Do her hands look a bit too big in the first picture, though? I think they look a bit off compared to her lower arm.
Yeah, they look extremely unladylike :D

What ENB are you using btw?

Yeah, I scrapped them shortly after taking that picture and re-installed the default UNP ones. Still kept the feet from the mod, though.

I'm using RV ENB with all the ENB quality settings at very high and a bit of supersampling. Averages at around 42 fps, or 12 when I tried taking a few 4k screens.
Looking through the screens in this thread... Your games look really, really nice. Thought that I may as well contribute with a few shots I grabbed while I was playing:

Do her hands look a bit too big in the first picture, though? I think they look a bit off compared to her lower arm.

OMG they are HHUUGGee :D, would not want her to ***** slap me :p

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