The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - MODS & TWEAKS

Pretty sure I was getting better usage with my 970 SLI. Trying to remember if I did anything special to do that. Make sure you aren't running any mod that makes the game run in a borderless window.
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Pretty sure I was getting better usage with my 970 SLI. Trying to remember if I did anything special to do that. Make sure you aren't running any mod that makes the game run in a borderless window.

The mod One Tweak comes to mind there..

String, if you have that mod installed uncheck it, it was messing up my Crossfire and would mess up SLI as well, since it make your game run in borderless window mode.. :( Which is to bad because it is a good mod, without it I having some "crackling" sound occasionally, when I playing but able to use CF makes my card's run less hot..
Well I just had a quick run around, went to some of the same places as String's screenshots, I was getting 60 FPS in all of them (Seasons of Skyrim ENB 2.36, AO and DoF on). Of course we prob use different mods and ENBs. The difference in performance between ENBs can be huge, even ENBs using the same .DLL version.

My max GPU usage was 66% and 69%.
No problem with Riverwood here

Yea, this is where I see a drop to the 60fps mark. Also, if you look at the blacksmith fire pit in Whiterun it gives my GPU's their biggest workout of all.

I probably should have mentioned that this is with Riverwood redux (I think) and Realvision. Whatever the one is that expands it and gives you a player home with a small mission to find the key.
Uncle Petey, that is the Riverwood Redux indeed.. I had it but removed it after I got the Breezehome FullyUpgradable mod instead.. since I realized I spend more time in Whiterun then Riverwood.. lol
Been messing around a bit tonight. In the following Whiterun image you can see my FPS down at 48. Both my GPU's sit at 50%-ish at that point. If I turn 90 degrees, my FPS jumps to 115 and both my GPU's go to 98% load.

I've un-installed Realvision and it's made no difference, so that rules out the ENB.

It could be shadows. Lower fShadowDistance in SkyrimPrefs.ini to 1000 and try again just to test.

Originally Posted by Fanatic View Post
If the ENB you use has Detailed Shadows enabled then you can lower these settings in SkyrimPrefs.ini and you shouldn't notice too much difference in the quality:

fShadowDistance= (I use 4000)
iShadowMapResolutionSecondary= (I use 1024)
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary= (I use 1024)
iShadowMapResolution= (I use 1024)

And this one in Skyrim.ini

iShadowMapResolutionPrimary= (I use 1024)

You can tweak the memory settings in enblocal.ini. Here are mine (I have a 4GB graphics card):


If you have raised uGridsToLoad above 5 then all hope is lost of high FPS with an ENB .

You could overclock your CPU/GPU to get few more FPS.

Edit: Just turned signatures back on and can see your spec. Already overclocked. 3GB graphics card? Try ReservedMemorySizeMb=768 (or 512) and VideoMemorySizeMb=6144 in enblocal.ini.

It could be shadows. Lower fShadowDistance in SkyrimPrefs.ini to 1000 and try again just to test.

OK, made those changes to shadow settings and I can't say I've noticed much difference WRT IQ... however, my FPS has increased by 20. I'm now hitting 68 FPS looking up Whiterun Ave, and a steady 120FPS when I look to the right 90 degrees.


The GPU loading hasn't changed. It still drops to 58% load on both cards when the FPS is down to 68, and shoots back to 98% when FPS is 120. Am I over thinking this? It just seems a bit strange for the loading to drop when the FPS does. :confused:
OK, made those changes to shadow settings and I can't say I've noticed much difference WRT IQ... however, my FPS has increased by 20. I'm now hitting 68 FPS looking up Whiterun Ave, and a steady 120FPS when I look to the right 90 degrees.

Nice one, I tweaked my shadows as well as I must've forgot to set them again, they were at 8000+
Damn it, just did that Shadow Tweak and now they flicker like crazy and blinding white roof tops!

Back to the drawing board :(

EDIT FIXED : iShadowMapResolution=4096
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Ahh silly me, now I know why my game felt really off!

I just installed a new clean MSI Afterburner, which means I need to set my frame rate cap to 60 in MSI, and disable VSync in game. ENB frame rate limiter causes horrible hitching and laggy feeling.

All is good now :D :D
Ahh silly me, now I know why my game felt really off!

I just installed a new clean MSI Afterburner, which means I need to set my frame rate cap to 60 in MSI, and disable VSync in game. ENB frame rate limiter causes horrible hitching and laggy feeling.

All is good now :D :D

How do you go about this? I don't see where to limit frame rates in afterburner. :confused:
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