Can anyone recommend any good dungeon mods? Not ones that change current dungeons, but new dungeon areas. Ideally the harder the better, maybe even more puzzles that are above simply 'turning the pillars to match what this conveniently placed book says'.
Looking for a challenge.
Dragonborn DLC is covered now, should notice it on Solstheim.
Great thread Neil but very difficult to follow. Are there equivalent mods in the Steam Workshop? Be great if we can list them all, much easier if possible. I'll be looking and testing some at the weekend(Steam Workshop), will see how I get on.
Mod Organiser is probably a better option than NMM as you can profile mods i.e. have one combination, or a different, or no mods at all and switch between them. Its a pain to get to work with the Creation Kit though if you're into editing/creeating your own mods.
I haven't used it yet myself but the latest version of NMM seems to have a profile option.
Indeed it does but there are angry reports of people having issues with it too. Probably best to stay away for now until it's more stable (it will completely remove all your mods and re-add them.) If you do decide to go ahead anyway keeping a backup of your entire Skyrim folder before upgrading is advisable!
Indeed it does but there are angry reports of people having issues with it too. Probably best to stay away for now until it's more stable (it will completely remove all your mods and re-add them.) If you do decide to go ahead anyway keeping a backup of your entire Skyrim folder before upgrading is advisable!
Can anyone recommend any good dungeon mods? Not ones that change current dungeons, but new dungeon areas. Ideally the harder the better, maybe even more puzzles that are above simply 'turning the pillars to match what this conveniently placed book says'.
Looking for a challenge.
Indeed it does but there are angry reports of people having issues with it too. Probably best to stay away for now until it's more stable (it will completely remove all your mods and re-add them.) If you do decide to go ahead anyway keeping a backup of your entire Skyrim folder before upgrading is advisable!
About three weeks ago I upgraded NMM (it forces you to or closes down) and it completely borked my game. Uninstalled everything. Instant CTD when I re installed. With over 150 mods, it wasn't worth the headache fault finding so I uninstalled it.
And that was one month into a new playthough.
STAY AWAY from NMM. Trust me !!!!
Back for more Skyrim This will be my fourth playthrough I think. After set of mods. STEP again? Or is there any other recommend mod collection that add grahpics and features like STEP?
I swear by this guys collection of mods and his ENB. Just follow his instructions to the letter.
You will need a beefy card, but run this on Nvidia DSR if you have it, and Skyrim becomes one of the best looking games you'll ever play.
After you have cracked the scenery side of things with Skyrim Tuner's guide, go for character mods.
Are you female or male?
P.S I noticed you have a 670. Whenever possible, go for the 'light' option when installing textures.